runners check in 5/12

Hey there again ladies!:)

Laura, if you are resting today-ENJOY it!:) I agree about Carole...she's very inspiring!

Hi Barb!

Karen, hope you enjoyed PLB.

Gayle, how exciting for you and your kids to have all of this momentous stuff going on! Have fun tomorrow!

Carole, I agree with everything the others have said about you! You rock!:+ Enjoy your work out!

Marcia, happy training! It's wonderful that you and your mom are taking on the 5k together! That's sooo cool!:)

Mattea, we are having ice cream cake tomorrow. I'd save you a piece but I'm afraid it will melt!:eek: :-( We are having cookies too though so I can save you a few of them instead!;) :9 }(

Pamela, have fun with your speed work today and I hope your kids are feeling better soon!

Elaine, Joey is "cruising" right now but I'm sure walking is right around the corner!:+ A 10 mile run...NICE! I would love to be able to get to that point! Enjoy your weekend! Sounds like a blast!:)

Judy, glad you listened to your body and took it slow!

ShellyC, sounds like you had a fantastic run today. Good for you!

PHEW! That was alot of people!:p

I went ahead and did the ITrain 40 min treadmill work out today. I couldn't use any of the paces the instructor gave for walking, jogging or running as they were all wrong for me. I didn't want to walk and the jogging pace was too fast so I hung in between the 2 which, for me, was a great pace a jog/run...whatever it was that I did! LOL The work out was 40 mins long but I was on the treadmill for a total of about 55 mins and it broke down something like this:

min 1-5: slow walk before starting work out (3.5)
min 6-15: ITrain warm up (4.0)
min 16-35: ITrain work out (5.0-6.2)
*skipped ITrain cool down*
min 36-45: continued to run on own (5.0-5.5)
min 46-55: cool down (4.0-2.8)

In the end I ended up going something like 4.5 miles TOTAL. I think I ran somewhere between 3-3.5 of those miles which is a new record for me!!!:+ :+ :+ I couldn't believe that when the ITrain w/o was going into c/d I turned on regular music and kept running! Those of you who said the first 2 miles are the hardest were RIGHT ON cause ITrain got me past that point and then I kept on going! }( It was tough for me...don't get me wrong...but I was able to do it!!!
WAY TO GO WENDY!!! That's QUITE the accomplishment! Breaking that two mile barrier for me when I first started running was the toughest thing for me to do.
Thanks Christine!

Sorry I missed you before! We must have been posting at the same time! I hope you are feeling better soon. Nothing worse then stomach issues to ruin an otherwise fine day!

When I passed the 2 mile point I was happy...but when the work out was going into c/d and I kept running I was ECSTATIC!!! I am sooo psyched!:):+ :7
Hello Ladies!

I want to join the "I Love Carole" bandwagon too. I truly admire her, as well as you all. You all inspire me to keep going and to know when to take it easy. You all show how we can do it all whether we are a mother, wife, coworker, etc. (we play so many roles).

Even though I am mildly injured I'm going to try to keep up with you ladies at the check-ins. It is amazing how many runners we have here. I'm having a hard time keeping up with all the posts.

This week, since I'm not going to try running again until possibly tomorrow, I am focusing on strength training and stretching. Today I plan to do PowerHour. If my run goes well tomorrow, or maybe Sunday, I plan to continue my Hal Higdon half-marathon training. However, if this weekend's run does not go well then I plan to go to the doctor on Wednesday afternoon after DD has her ear surgery. It will be hard watching them put my 8 month old DD under to insert tubes, but from what I keep hearing she will finally begin to feel so much better.

I hope everyone has a great run today and beautiful weather for race day this weekend.

Laura - I agree with the others regarding your SIL. You are truly classy for not following your SILs behavior. Maybe one day she will see the error of her ways. Good luck with your 5K. I'm sure you will do great.

Wendy - I hope Joey has a wonderful birthday!

Marcia - Have fun with your Mothers Day 5K with your mom. I think that will be an awesome experience.

Hi to everyone!! Also, since I don't really check the forum on the weekend, I hope all you Mommies out there have a wonderful Mother's Day!!

Wendy - I just wanted to add that you are doing a great job in progressing with your running.
Just came back to say thanks to Kristi!:)

Oh, btw, tomorrow, if I have time, I have MIS U/B only + MIS abs on tap. I am bent on getting a work out in tomorrow OR Sunday...I doubt I will get lucky enough to get both days in but we'll see!

No running for me for a few days...gotta let these legs and feet cool off! LOL :p

Later gators!:*
Hi everyone,
The day has definitely gotten away from me. With DH out of town I got to bed late last night, got up late this morning and one of my kids has a half day of school today -- so it's like I am chasing my tail all day long.

It's just an easy extra recovery day for me before I attempt to do a long run tomorrow-- hopefully not in the rain, but it's raining here, too. I did only 10 mins. of a Bryan Kest tape and a little is better than none, but not much is going per schedule today.

Mattea-- I'm with you on celebrating Mom's day early for Carole. It's nice that you share running with your DH. Thanks for the carb suggestions and reminder to be hydrated. Maybe I'm not keeping up with hydration 24/7 the way I should and that mixes in with feeling super hungry all the time. OTO maybe I'm not eating enough to keep up with my running increase, though my weight is steady, so it's highly unlikely for that and the fact that I love to eat, that I'm eating too little!! I think it's a timing issue for me : how to eat in sync and when to support the exercise demands.

Carole -- You really deserve all the praise and admiration. At least if you feel sappy or teary, your tears don't freeze on your face in California you lucky west-coaster! great story about your male buddies walking on mile 18 and you blasting by them! Way to go!! How was core synergistics? How is it like or not like Coremax?

Laura -- I didn't realize you were running two races, a 5K tomorrow and a half next weekend. You sound very organized about your training.

Gayle -- have a great family weekend. PreK graduation and communion and big party -- and Low Max and shoulders and abs -- way to go! If it rains here tomorrow, I don't think I can do the long run on the treadmill like you did, but I will be pondering it tomorrow if it's pouring.

Karen-- hope you had a good workout with PLB and your run tonight. I'll be interested to hear what you think of the Hal Higdon training. It's fun to have a schedule printed up! I had a hard time though figuring out which strength tapes to do during different phases. Right now I'm trying to stick to light weights to play it safe up until d-day.

Wendy-- great job on your run and happy b-day to your little one. Such a sweet time to celebrate the first year!!! great you completed those 2 miles. For me, even though I've been running for awhile -- but not at the level most of the more experienced runners here run -- the first 2 or 3 miles of any run on any day are the hardest for me. I now ignore how I feel somewhat for the first 2 miles and then reassess. Go figure?

Elaine and other moms with kids starting up kindergarten -- have you heard of the Ms. Bindergarten books? There's Ms. Bindergarten gets ready for kindergarten and others that my kids enjoyed around K time. Mary Louise Loses Her Manners is also a fun one. It is definitely a bittersweet milestone. They look so grown up with those back packs on!

Marcia-- good luck on your training. Great you can share a walk/race for a good cause with your mom. Thanks for sharing what weight tapes you'll use for your half training. I used a HH schedule but then got off track with the date of the race and switched to a runner's world program. But I did heavier weight tapes for the early weeks (GS series ) and I'm not sure it worked well for me. Too much muscle soreness.

Pamela -- I relate to having to modify the day's exercise plan because of kids. It's nice your DD didn't want to miss science. I'm not sure if you were referring to speed on the treadmill, i.e. 6.0 mph = a 10"-min. mile pace? or a 6-minute mile which is I-don't-know-what-on-the-treadmill because there's no way I can run that fast!!!

Judy -- I'm with your quads. Push Pull always gets me more DOMS than I think the day I do it. I'm trying to do light weights this month but a couple of weeks ago did Push Pull and it wasn't smooth running the next day. I'm avoiding step until after my race in June. But I love RS and SB. I'm with Mattea, though, that on C& W by round 5 of the routine, I'm ready to move on!

Shelly C-- only 17 sounds most amazing to me! It's just fantastic that your legs feel good enough today to do GSL. I look forward to feeling more recovered/bounced back after a long run.

Thomasina-- Truly sorry about your car repair. That stinks. We have two used cars and it just kills me when we have to get big service done. I'm always suspect of the male-female car mechanic interaction -- worried they charge me more than my hubby. But you need a car, so what can you do? Keep that pressure on Elaine for the unveiling!! We're all waiting.

We'll give Gayle a few more days to see if she caves and buys a Bryan Kest DVD..."..if you're challenging yourself," Mr. Y-pants says oh so calmly, "you're doing the pose perfectly!"

Thank you, thank you, Bryan -- LOL.....

Christine-- I hope your tummy troubles are a distant memory now.

Kristi -- I hope you continue to heal. The ear tube experience sounds scary, but I know a lot of kids (3 families) who have had it and they are fine, but it's scary as a parent to have a kid undergo a procedure.

Have a great weekend and great races tomorrow ! Hi to anyone I missed. You are all great and it's fun to have this check in. It keeps me going!


:) :) :)
I normally dont do races that close together but this weekends happened to only be 20min from my house. I want to do at least 1 race a month through the summer.

wendy way to go, ddo job!!

Judy six miles is a good distance,definately listen to your body,you wont regret it.

kristi thanks!

christine it does get exhausting and very frustrating. I have had to zip my lip shut a couple of times out of respect for my brother. I am so close to him and I wouldnt want to put him in that situation . talk to ya later
Hey Wendy......Woohooooo!!! A Miletone for you!!Congrats :7 :7

Kristi- I've said it before and I'll say it again, I have nothing but admiration for you moms with young ones, especially when they get sick..and you're still managing to workout. God bless you and I hope all goes well with your DDs ear problem.

Barb- good luck on your long run!

You ladies really are the best...:)...thanks Pamela, Elaine, Shelly, Christine, Wendy, and Kristi for your kind words...:)

Pamela...I don't know anything about treadmill training...I hope your kids colds don't last long..

Laura...I am glad then tomorrow you won't have to deal with your SIL! I also agree and don't let her spoil any run for you...I can't wait to hear how you do...:)

Judy there is that one leg exercise in Push Pull that gets my quads everytime!!

Shelly...that is a great pace for 18!!! Have fun with GS legs.

Christine..hope your tummy is better. I know when my DH had sausage after no meat for about 3 months it really upset his stomach.

Wendy...way to go on breaking your running record!! You had a great run today.

Kristi....I am happy you are checking in and keeping us updated! I will send you good running vibes for your run tomorrow...:)..I do hope the surgery for your DD is a quick one. I have heard that does help. are a sweetie in my book...:)...That marathon story is one of my favorites to tell. It was just the right timimg and the right place!! Core Syn really is nothing like Coremax. It is more of a functional fitness workout using your whole body but focusing on your core.

I had a good 4 mile run thinking of all you awesome runners. You all made this a very special day for me...:7 :+
Well, I guess I should just start the Saturday check-in since it is soo late...
but I'll wait and get on here tomorrow sometime because I'm so tired now. Had to do my workout this evening instead of this morning..boy was that hard. I did the pyramid up only portion on UB, a 5 mile tempo run, and finished it with 30 minutes of my new buddy, Bryan Kest. Ahhh.....

I just wanted to pop in and read up for the day. Sounds like everyone had very cool workouts!! OH yes, and I also wanted to chime in on the praise for Carole! You certainly are a very kind, helpful and knowledgable person, Carole, and I too appreciate you like the others do. Oh, and you're also the best with PHOTOS (lol), fancy birthday cakes and writing stuff too!

Happy mother's day weekend to all the moms, aunts, grandmas, sisters, etc..etc...


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