runners check in 5/12


hello everyone!:) Its friday, YIPEE!!!
today is a rest day for me or I might do upper body. Havent decided yet. It is still raining here.might put a damper on my 5k tomorrow. Oh well just so it doesnt throw my time off too much. I was hoping to break my last 5k time but if the weather is cold and rainy I probably wont. even so, I will have fun.

carole is amazing with the amount of miles she covers. I hope some day that amount of mileage feels more normal to me . I tell ya though, the higher mileage helps trim the body. carole, I hope you are right about me passing her by,just because of her whole attitude. but she is one of those people who always comes out smelling like a rose and glotes about it(dont know if I spelled that right) it just burns you up. I have a group of us that race and we never act or do that to one another . we always support one another ,no matter who comes in first. but she has to win, and usually does and rubs it in. the one time she didnt come in ahead of everyone she was ticked off and had a crappy attitude, but like I said she usually comes out smelling like a rose. I never understood why someone like that always gets there way? oh well, she will never have the good friends around her that I do. she told me I was lucky to find my friend marci that I run with and I said I know I am. Marci is great and has taught me alot. Just like my friends here. anyway I will quit rambling.

have a nice day everyone!!!
Hi Laura --
quick hi, then I'll write more to all later..

I love what Carole said to you about SIL.

You will do great and you are right that you are the lucky one who smells good without any glote/gloat (sp? ?) perfume on. Have fun tomorrow and who knows, like Carole said, maybe you will zip by her or maybe you won't, but at the end of the day, lucky you: you get to go home with you and be with your "people" and she is still "her" at the end of the day -- ultimately not a good thing, I'm guessing because you can't treat others like that and feel too good about yourself.

Carole sets a great example of being a fantastic runner and an even more fantastic sportswoman. She has a lot to brag about -- but Carole is always so welcoming an acknowledging of others who are trying to do the best they can to get out there and run or eat healthy. It's really admirable and something to aspire to!

I'm rooting for you --as I know are all the amazing ladies on this forum who have brightened my days since I stepped out of lurking and started typing.

More later.

:) :) :)
barb you are so right about carole. She is very inspiring. I have learned alot from her and sarah as well as many others on this forum. Everyone here motivates me. Its funny the other day when I was running I thought about sarah saying I am a machine, of course I am tired I am running a marathon. I thought to myself, she is right, you have to tell yourself these things.Look at what we all are acomplishing,that in itself says alot. I know I will be thinking of what everyone here says next weekend during my half. I will especially be thinking of what sarah told herself, she is an inspiration as well. I would love to meet those two ladies someday. thomasina is so lucky if she gets to me carole and sarah doesnt live to awfully far from me so maybe I will run into her someday also.
Hey there ladies.

I'm FINALLY heading back to the gym after a week!:eek: I was there last friday to do my elliptical ITrain workout and then I got another friggin' cold and haven't been back since!:-( Well, I'm not perfect but I can breath well now so I think it's safe to get the heart pumpin' again!}( I'm going to do a treadmill/elliptical combo. I don't know if I'm up to trying the ITrain treadmill work out though. I'll see...

Have a great weekend! I have my son's 1st Birthday Party tomorrow!!!!!:+ :7 :+
Good Morning Runner's
Today on tap is PLB and maybe a three mile easy run tonight.

Laura- Good luck on your 5k tomorrow. Someone on this forum said it's the best way to spend a Saturday morning and I highly agree. I don't know about weather and time but maybe you'll be surprised and the sun will show up tomorrow.

Barb- You are so right about Carole. She is like having our own private coach. Hope you have a great day today Barb. I'll check in with you later

Wendy- Have fun at the gym.

Good morning, ladies!

Laura-for some reason I wrote down that your half was this weekend. It's NEXT weekend??? And, as you know, Carole (and all the other ladies here) are always offering excellent advice!

I've been busy! Younger DS had his Pre-K graduation last night, and tomorrow is older DS's First Communion. I've been getting ready for tomorrow's big party for them both!

This morning I popped some "intensity modifiers" and attacked Low Max! LOL Then shoulders and abs from PUB!

Sorry I can't chat more right now. My younger Sis is coming in from N Carolina this morning, and I don't want to be all sweaty when she hugs me! LOL

wendy glad you are feeling better. i need to look into those Itrain workouts.

karen thanks, hopefully the sun will come out at least for the race anyway.

gayle have fun with your sister. Yeah my half is next weekend, the 5k is tomorrow. My dear friend lives in cleveland where the half is taking place ,so I cant wait to see her also. I think you ,carole sarah and all the other ladies all have great advice and like I said before, i have learned a great deal from everyone here. I just love it!!! your all wonderful people:)
Good morning runners...

I can't say[/img] enough Karen, Laura, and Barb for your kind words...:) really makes me smile and is one great start to my day!...

Laura...I don't think the rain will throw you off at all. There will be too much excitement all around. You have been training hard and I know you will do great!! I ran a marathon once in nasty conditions wind and rain, but there were two male friends that had told me they would beat me (all in fun). Well, they went out too fast and I caught them walking at mile 18 up this hill, I waved "Hi" as I passed by and let me tell you those last 8.2 miles were the toughest I have ever run, I was so worried they would catch me, I had great support with my sister and friends riding beside me in a car....I did beat them...:) sometimes what goes around comes around. Good Luck in the 5K!!!

Barb...what you said about Laura's SIL is most likely true. Those types can just not be much fun and in the past I have mostly avoided them. have a nice workout planned today. So where did you get your half training schedule from?

Wendy..I am glad you are feeling better. Happy 1st to Joey!!![/img] have been busy! I hope you have a great visit with your Sis...:)

I'll be doing P90X Core Synergistics and a 4 mile run

Have a great day...
Laura-Best of luck on your 5K tomorrow! I hope the weather clears up, but if not, just try wearing a hat and think of the rain as a nice cooling effect:) Sorry about having to put up with that kind of attitude from your SIL, just cherish the great friends you have and think how much more important it is to come out first in that kind of "race." And the more you focus on your own running the more likely you will be to pass her by one day and eventually maybe she'll begin to learn some important lessons, just try not to let her ruin your fun!

Wendy-Have fun back at the gym! Glad you're feeling more up to par and make sure to give Joey extra big birthday kisses from us! And if there's any cake left over...;-)

Karen, Barb, and Laura-Let's just turn today into the day where we get to celebrate Carole:7 It's kind of like "running" Mother's Day!
Carole-I wish I knew how to insert special pictures of roses, hugs, and a giant smilie THANKS! Not only are you an inspiration, a source of invaluable information, kind, patient, and generous, but woman, you kick BUTT! and I am proud to know you! I love your story about beating your male friends in the marathon. Now I can hold out hope that someday I might just outrun DH on the long runs!

Oh and the rest of you ladies aren't too shabby either:+

Gayle-How many tissues did you go through last night? And how did the Lomax "intensifiers"** (**this statement has not be evaluated by the FDA) work for you?

Today is kickboxing for me--one of Carole's favorites in honor of "Running Mother's Day" the long premix from KPC and L&G!
Have a great day everyone!!!
Hey gang:

It is 40 degrees and rainy, windy - just plain nasty here. YUCK! I have the house to myself tonight and was hoping to get out a do a 4 mile run, but this weather just might change my mind. I don't mind running in the rain at all, but the wind does make it nasty. Maybe I will run and then just jump right into a warm shower.

My "official" training starts on Monday for my 1/2 in August - I am sooooo excited.

I've signed my mom and I up for a 5K Race for the Cure walk on Sunday. I thought that would be a great Mother's Day event for the two of us since she's never done anything like that before. Maybe I can convince her to do more after this one is over.

Happy running everyone.

~Marcia~ are so sweet, now there are tears...but very happy ones...[/img]

This has been such a great check-in. Reading all of your posts and I mean EVERYONE, inspires me everyday! Now before I get too sappy...I need to RUN!!!
Good morning,

First, I agree with what everyone has already said about Carole. Carole you are amazing, and you continue to be an inspiration. Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity of spirit.

Laura, I hope you're able surpass any goals you've set for yourself for tomorrow's race despite the weather, but most of all I hope you have a great time doing it :)

Gayle, how was the ceremony? Did you shed any tears? Sounds like you have your hands full this weekend. Enjoy the party!

Sarah, how's the toe healing? You're pretty amazing too. :)

Thanks Barb, Elaine, Karen, Mattea (I hope I didn't miss anyone) for the kind words of encouragement and welcome. You all are so wonderful. :)

Wendy, Happy 1st B-day to Joey, and glad you're feeling better.

Today was supposed to be speedwork at the track, but the kids have come down with colds. They were both going to stay home, but dd decided she didn't want to miss science so I just dropped her off, but ds is still here. Hence, today will be speedwork on the treadmill. 5 mi, incl w/up & c/d - 4x800 @6:10, w/ 400 jogs. I understand this to mean 1 mile w/u at a comfortable pace, 1/2 mi @ 5mph, 1/4 mi recovery and repeat 3 times followed by a 1 mile cooldown. Please let me know if I've interpreted this incorrectly. Thanks! :)

Happy Friday everyone!
Good Morning Ladies!

Laura, I hope the sun comes out for your 5K tomorrow and I hope your SIL twists and sprains her ankle (just kidding!) I'd pity her more than anything. Doesn't sound like she's really found the real joy in running.

Wend, I CANNOT believe that Joey is a year old all ready! Is he walking? Sorry if I missed where you might have posted about that elsewhere. Do you have a big party planned? Hope you're feeling better soon!

Carole, You *are* always so sweet and willing to help. That's what I like about the running community. Most runners are NOT like Laura's SIL.

Marcia, The Mother's Day 5K sounds like a fun way to spend the day with your mother.

Today I'll run 10 miles and do some core work. We're heading out for Santa Cruz after school is out this afternoon. We'll be pulling our trailer and staying at a very nice KOA campground they have there, spending Sat playing and swimming then to the aquarium in Monterey on Sunday before we get home.

Hello to Barb, Gayle, Pamela, Christine, Sarah, Thomasin, Shelly, Mattea, Karen, Kathy. I hope I haven't missed anyone!

Happy Mother's Day to you moms and Good luck to you racing runners.
mattea thanks for the good wishes!!

mattea you are too funny about the tripping. i once was walk/jogging with my niece. she has asthma so we were doing that for her and she wanted to beat these girls up ahead that looked her age and I said joking of course, trip them and low and behold one of them tripped. i couldnt believe it and I felt bad since I was just joking around about it.

elaine thanks for the wishes on good weather, I hope it holds out long enough just for the race. My SIL isnt running tomorrow but next week at the half she is and she mostly does all the other races too but her and my brother have been out of town on vacation and I havent really had a chance to talk to them to mention the 5k and honestly I havent tried to call either. I just needed the break since next weekend I will be rooming with them for the half in cleveland.

carole your story is great,way to showed them!!! I told myself that I love running too much to let her spoil it for me. I have my own personal goals to work towards and that is what I will focus on. thanks
Oops! Sorry Laura. I'm having a hard time keeping straight what every one is running when!!

I actually run sometimes with a girl (named Marci, coincidentally) who tends to be competetive. She's a slightly faster runner than I am and I mostly just laugh at how she always has to pull ahead and race to the finish of our long runs together. I really don't care about how she's running because I'm focused on my own goals. However, I'd not be telling the whole truth if I didn't say that her insistance on competing does get under my skin sometimes. It really sounds like you have a great attitude about it all. :) :)
elaine your earlier post was right about the 5k tomorrow. I didnt really mention for sure is my SIL was running that. Iknow what you mean on keeping everyones races straight. there are so many of us here its hard to keep track. I am just glad that we all can come here and help encourage one another and give good advice.
Hello Runners: TGIF!

I just finished 6 slow miles. I think my quads were tellling me they noticed that I did Rhythmic Step on 8 " & Push Pull working very consciously hard yesterday. I just slowed up a bit today to deal with tight quads and finished.

Tomorrow is a rest day anyway.

I have to agree all the people who post here are so friendly and helpful in a very ginuine way. YOU GO GIRLS!!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Good morning to all you fit and fantastic runners! Yesterday I set out to do 18 miles but ran out of time and ended up (only!) doing 17. I did keep a pace 9:10 comfortably though so I'm feeling pretty dang good about it! My legs feel fine this am and I'm ready for some serious weight work, I'm thinking this will be a Gym Style day :7

Elaine- Thank you so much for your message from yesterday. I tried to reply but my computer started having fitsx( It's hard to keep track of everyone's races this time of year - you yourself were running a 10k last weekend as I recall (was it only last weekend?)
and did it in a real kick*** time!! When's the next race?

Christine- any more catcalls? I'm jealous of course!!! I vaguely (sp?) recall getting those in the distant past.

Thomasina- I'm ranting with you in sympathy over your car troubles.
That's one of life's real pain in the necks!

Carole- I'd like to join in the Carole appreciation day!!!!! I love
the interval workout you described...I am definitely trying that one,
it sounds like fun :+

Laura- good luck on your 5k this weekend, it will be a great training aide also for your half next weekend- I know you'll do fabulous. I can never understand people like your SIL. There is simply no reason why one can't be competitive without being decent and supportive to others. Thank goodness the vast majority of runners are not in that category.

Wendy- a very happy birthday to your little one!!!

Marcia- Hi there, I loved reading about your 5k with your Mom! Good for you...I'll bet you both have a tremendous time. What training plan are you using for your half?

Hi Pamela- I'm glad your with us and keep up the good work!!

Mattea- Sounds like you have one FUN workout planned :+

Gayle- I tried the Low Max intensified routine suggested by Aquajock
last week with a 10lb medball, It wiped me out, I bet it's nothing to you!!

Hi Karen- I always get great DOMS from PLB, especially the stability ball section!

Hi to everyone else and have a great one:) :) :)

Hi, ShellyC -

I'm using Hal Higdon's 1/2 marathon training schedule for beginners. The strength training parts I will alternate with Cathe's Power Hour and Muscle Endurance (I think). I was thinking about getting Jari Love's Get Ripped-Slim & Lean, too, to add more variety.

Good morning to my daily inspiration!

I just log on here and feel better. I love it. My tummy's not too happy with me today. Not sure if it's the chicken I ate last night (after 4 days without meat) or the bowl of black bean soup... But, oh well. As today is a rest day it's not that big of a deal! :)

Laura - have fun on your 5k and enjoy your SIL free run! I have a tough time dealing with people like your SIL as I'm competitive, too, so she'd fire that in me, but I wouldn't see the point in competiting on everything - I would think just being around her would be mentally exhausting.

Barb - yes, isn't this thread great? I am ready to go and run already, even though my stomach hurts and it's a rest day.

Wendy - Glad to hear you're feeling better! Nothing like being under the weather when you're trying to improve your routine.

Karen - have fun on PLB - I always enjoy that one!

Oh enjoy tonight Gayle!! What a right of passage! HUGS to your DS and to you.

Carole - nothing more to say than - yep, you are one heck of a lady - I agree with Mattea, and my long run will be in your honor tomorrow!

Marcia - I don't like wind either - and wind and rain are the worse combination. What a lovely thing to do with your mom on Mother's Day! It means a lot to me, especially as I lost my mom to cancer. So thanks!

Mattea - I love your idea for Running Mothers Day - it's very true - Carole is our den mother! What inspiration!

Pamela - Oh, I hope the little ones are better soon! I hate it when my kids are sick.

Elaine - Santa Cruz, eh? I think I'll just drive over the mountain and crash your camping party. *wink* I'm only 1/2 an hour from you. Have fun this weekend - there are some great trail runs around there! Oh, now I want to go run Big Basin! *sighs*

Judy - Great job yesterday! Sounds like quite a workout!

Shelly - hmm, to someone whose max distance to date ever is 7.2 miles - 17.1 miles sounds incredible. But I do know that it's frustrating not to hit the miles you set out to hit. Sounds like a good run though!

Happy TGIF everyone! I'm so stoked it's Friday! :)

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