Runner's Check-In 4/25

Good Morning beautiful ladies!!! Carole and Elaine must be catching some extra zzzz's!!:7 I am sure they are still out working on hill repeats.

How is everyone?? I know some of you have races coming up this weekend! How exciting!

I'll run 6-7 with my training group tonight. Afterwards, the coaches are hosting a cook out (or BBQ, as they say out west) for us. Should be a lot of picture time!

11 more days!!!!!!!!
Good Morning Sarah! 11 more days 11 more days 11 more days 11 more days...I am so excited for you

Today is a rest day for me although I'm at work so I will be climbing my 15 flights of stairs two times later today and taking a walk with DH after dinner.

Have a great running day all the runners who follow!
Hi, ladies.

Sarah-HOW EXCITED ARE YOU??? Is this your first marathon? This is exciting!

I checked in briefly yesterday for a quick second, after Carole and Thomasina FORCED ME TO! LOL I'll be looking around here, if you don't mind. Since I'm now considering myself an addicted runner, I better keep the company!

My race this sunday is half, and I AM PUMPED AND READY! This morning I ran an steady and easy 3, followed by shoulders and bicep work.

Now, let's wait to hear what you all have to say today about meeting for a marathon!

Hi Sarah'
Good luck in your marathon. I was wondering what the model number for your elliptical from Sears was. I was trying to find it online.
Good morning fit runners...

Sounds like fun tonight we get to see the group pic???

Mattea...stairclimbing is supposed to be good training...:)...enjoy your walk with DH

Gayle!! Nice to see you here...:) where is Christine?? I am not sure which marathon we are doing anymore....maybe I should show some pics of Humboldt?? Those redwoods are beautiful...}(

I am doing GS Standing legs, a 6 mile run and maybe a TLT this afternoon. Toes are much better...:)

Have a great day...:)
*Joins in dance around the room* Sarah! 11 Days! 11 Days! 11 Days! I'm almost as excited as you are! I want to hear all about it!

I'm here, I'm here! I figured since I wasn't running today, I should lay low! :) IMax 2 was fun. I could feel the run yesterday, so I did all of the rests, but it was a good workout.

Ya know, we could always so the 10.9 mile run (or even the 21 mile run) for Big Sur, and then have our "real" marathon be the Napa Valley one. There is something to be said for running through wine country. If it gets too bad, you can always pop into a local winery for fortification (joking!!)...

Have fun ladies - I'll be on line today, but must shower now! :p
Morning runners,
Sarah, your BBQ sounds fun! Are you all going to run the marathon as a group? Sorry I'm joining so late in the game, you've probably answered these questions many times before. ;-) Oh, and only eleven more days left, yeah!

Mattea, stair climbing is tough! I worked in the 3rd story of a bldg. last year and the stairs were "straight up." As usual, I was late everyday and used to try to go up as fast as I could but was breathless at the top! It surprised me, too...somedays I had just done an IMax earlier! :eek:

Gayle, good luck on your half marathon this weekend!

Carole, glad your toes are better today. The pic yesterday looked intimidating,! What a fabulous run that must be, though. ;-)

Today I ran 5 miles using Cardio Coach Volume 6 with Sean (the new one). I really enjoyed this one, it's going to be a favorite.

Hope everyone else is having a great run or workout.

Edited to say: We posted at the same time Christine. You're making me want to take another trip out to California. :)

Kathy G
Good morning everyone!

Today I will be running outside!! I have two hilly routes, one is 3.5 miles and the other is 5 where the first 2.5 miles are the same. When I get to the fork I'll decide how I feel. I also plan on doing leg work so I'll do either Leaner Legs or Legs and Glutes.

Kathy, I tried Cardio Coach yesterday (I don't know if it was 2 or 5). I liked it OK but, as with any new workout, I need to become a little more familiar with it before I say I love it.

Sarah, Your a bad a$$!!;)

Carole, Is Humbolt a fall marathon? Maybe we should put a few out there and take a vote!

Gayle, Have fun this weekend! I can feel your enthusiasm so I know you'll exceed your expectations.

Christine, Be sure to check in every day whether you are running or not. You'd be missed otherwise!

Where's Thomasina, Wendy and the others?
Good morning fit runners! It's a beautiful day here in Az and I just got back from a 5 mile run. In a little while after some recuperation I'll do circuit max.

This talk of a group marathon is very intriguing! What a great inspiration that would be. I went to high school and college in Ca about a century ago (at least it seems like it) but haven't been back since. Those pictures remind me how really beautiful it is there. If the timing is right for whatever race is decided on I would definitely be interested. :7

Gayle- best of luck with your HM this weekend, you definitely sound ready---go get em!

Here I am Elaine! Whew!

I usually can’t get on here until after I get to work and take a break. According to Hal Higdon I was to run 3 easy miles (whoopee doo) today which I did on my dreadmill. It is actually not so bad because I listen to my podfitness download while I watch the food network or FitTV with the sound down! LOL – I ‘m sure my kids think I‘m nuts because all they can hear is the sound of the treadmill and my intermittent bad singing to the songs playing in my headphones! Oh, and I had a little time to do a Pyramid LB premix too! Feeling really good today!

So far everybody sounds like they are grooooovin’ as usual! Let’s all party crash Sarah’s cook out tonight! I LOVE BBQ’s! Of course I don’t eat meat but I grill tofu, veggie burgers and tons of veggies! My husband makes one side of our BBQ the “veggie” side and he uses separate tools on my food so there is no “cross contamination” going on! I know, sounds pathetic, but he tolerates lots of my idiotic quirks like that!

Sarah – Have fun with your group and the group photo tonight … 11 more days !!! WOO HOO!!!

Mattea – It’s so cool that you walk with DH!

Gayle! – You ARE an addicted runner, and you are gonna kick some booty this weekend!!

Carole – Bring on the Humbolt pics, O ‘ queen of photos! Maybe we need some Pig photos too! Maybe we need to find one that has a half marathon too so the runners can choose what level they want to go..variety! Glad your toes are better!

Christine – I agree that you should still check-in even if it isn’t a run day! Besides, isn’t Imax 2 sort of like an interval run? Oh, and I think the Napa Valley Marathon comes before Carole’s beastly Big Sur marathon (lol).

Kathy – Great job with the Cardio Coach.. I have only #2 and haven’t even tried it yet! And you need to get out to California come marathon time! – whenever that is! Lol

Elaine – Yeah, we should put a few out there and take a vote. You are lucky you are able to run alone in your area. If I drive to Auburn I can sort of feel safe running in the daylight hours on the weekend. You just can’t let your guard down these days! Oh, and which Fall marathon are you running this year?

Shelly – Yay! Another group marathon interested person!

And whenever Wendy gets here – Wendy! You need to plan on “gadget shopping” in California if we figure out a group marathon!

Ok, back to work for me! I’ll pop back in later!


ETA: Carole - I just read your reply from yesterday's post (lol) and eewwwe 2 hours prior to start for Napa? And there's a LONG bus ride for Big Sur after you get up at O'dark thirty....but hey! the east and mid west girls will keep us west coaster awake!, huh?
I’m here to check-in!!

I just came back from my lunch hour where I ran 4 miles on the treadmill at home. Since moving my running outdoors, I’m not really liking the treadmill so much anymore. However, it was a good thing I did run on the treadmill instead of outside because it started raining which would have made it harder for me to make it back to work on time.

Sarah – 11 more days!! That is so great! Maybe next year I will be up to running Flying Pig with you especially since it is so close to me (1 ½ hours away). In the meantime I need to get my August Columbus half-marathon under my belt. I’m also contemplating running either a half or full in December in TN for St. Jude. It is supposed to be a relatively flat and fun course. I’ll see how things go in August and then decide from there.

Mattea – Wow! 15 flights of stairs is a workout all by itself!

Gayle – Good luck on your half! Is this one your first?

Carole – I’m glad your toes are doing better.

Kathy G – Maybe I should invest in some Cardio Coaches so my treadmill run won’t be so boring. Which ones are your favorites?

ToughYrun – So which route did you chose?

All of this talk of marathoning as a group is giving me an itch to give it a try. You all are enablers!! LOL

Hi to everyone I missed – Andtckrtoo, ShellyC, Thomasina, & Wendy
Ok, so I'm back from reading marathon reviews and I vote for the Flying Pig next year! It is more centrally located for some, it has a half marathon for those that don't want to do a full, and it has always just looked down right FUN!!!!

Ok, I seriously need to get some work done now!! LOL :7

YES!!! Come crash my cook out tonight (BBQ for those who do not speak my funny east coast language :p ). I just hope the rain stops! It is supposed to...I hear there will me "veggie dogs"...I hope they mean an alternative to hot dogs versus an alternative to eating a domestic pet!:7

Oh, how Elaine wants to do a Fall marathon get that she knows I am already tied up doing Columbus this Fall!;)

We may have to have a few get togethers because Elaine WILL be running Boston this next Spring! I say from here on out...we make every marathon a "get together"!!

I signed up for Columbus this Fall...think about it! Fast and flat...I hear it goes through campus (haven't been there since graduation) and I hear it is gorgeous!

The Flying Pig was ranked by Runners' World as one of the world most fun...I cannot wait! You will all get my reviews!

Still...11 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, I think someone asked if I was running the Pig "with" a group and the answer is "no". I joined a training group but there are 130 of us...we all vary in athletic ability. We train together but we won't necessarily be "sticking" together through the race. I am sure, we will pair up if we see a fellow teammate keeping pace.
Christine...I really wouldn't mind Napa, it was my 1st...:)...never did stop for wine..:)

Kathy...Big Sur really wasn't that bad as far as hills. Tahoe on the other hand YIKES!!! It sure sounds Like CC is fun...I never listen to anything when I run though.

Elaine...around here I run hills every day, I do have one flat course but the traffic on the road is not nice. Yes Humboldt is Oct 15, 2006 and I know you are wondering...

Wow Shelly...Circuitmax after a 5 mile run...way to go...:) are invited to join us in Calif for any marathon...

Okay Tomasina...we can crash Sarah's BBQ and bring our Tofu and veggies!!! Now I'll have to find that Flying Pig Pic...:)

Kristi...Running on a treadmill can be lots better then out in the rain...good run!

My 6 miles about killed me eating has not been good the last 2 days and I am really feeling it...I need to get myself back on track...:)
Carole...Thanks for posting the Pig Picture. That is the start of the race, Taylor Southgate bridge taking us into KY across the Ohio River.

A bit more about the DH asked me to marry him on that bridge.:*
>Carole...Thanks for posting the Pig Picture. That is the
>start of the race, Taylor Southgate bridge taking us into KY
>across the Ohio River.
>A bit more about the DH asked me to marry him on
>that bridge.:*
Awe Sarah....that is so awesome....[/img]
Sarah, I was thinking fall 2007 for Humbolt! You know I've got my heart set on St. George but I just stopped by here after crunching the Columbus nbrs. If St. George falls through I've got to come up with *something*!!!

Then there is next spring to think of and I've spent a fair amount of time reading romantacized tours of the Flying Pig!
You know...I need to stop coming to this thread. Now, not only do I want to do a marathon get-together, but I also want to buy Cardio Coahc! LOL

For whoever asked (I forget, sorry), this weekend is my first HALF. I just did my first full this past January at Disney!

Thanks for the vote of confidence! I'm psyched!

Gayle, You are going to kick butt this weekend!! I would not be one bit surprised if you exceeded ALL of your race goals...your short race paces are AWESOME!!!
Love cardio coach, by the way. I'm planning on getting Cardio Coach 5 for treadmill interval training. I have 4, but it's a little short.

Any I agree - you're going to do awesome Gayle! If you hear some weird noise - don't worry - that's just me here in California cheering you on.

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