Runner's Check-In 4/25

Yeah Gayle! Just remember to "keep on truckin', mama"!
aaaand as a certified “enabler” I say after your record setting run this weekend, you should buy yourself a Cardio Coach as a reward for all your efforts!

Sarah – SO cool about your DH’s proposal on that bridge!

Elaine – I am smelling flying pigs for May 2007!

Carole – Bravo on the photos! Once again, I knew you would come through!

what is cardio coach and where do you get it?

Carole hope you had a nice run.

sarah you are doing the columbus marathon in october? I am thinking of doing that as paart of a relay team. How do you find the training teams for running? I would like to find something like that here in fremont but dont know if they offer them. Are you going for a certain time for you marathon? sounds like you'll do great.

Gayle goodluck on your half. Sounds like you run at a great pace so I bet you'll surpass your goals. wish I could run as fast as you. maybe someday.

anyway ladies I didnt run today , I had bootcamp class, she really worked us hard today, got some running in with the class though.

see ya!!
Thanks....seriously THANKS.


Thanks....sarcastic THANKS!!! LOL

Certified....yes. Certified ENABLER??? yes also! LOL there ya have it. If I beat my second goal time of 2:05:00, I will indeed buy myself a new cardio coach workout.

GEESH! The arm-twisting that goes on around this place! LOL

Gayle - how's this - you reach you goal time of 2:05:00, I will buy you the cardio coach! It's the least I can do for such a motivator!
Okay beat your previous time and I will be glad to go in with Christine's donation...:)
ladies what are cardio coaches and where can I get them? Anything to help with my training pace I would love to hear about.

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