Runner's Check-in 04/27/06


Am I first here? LOL Where are all the runners? LOL

OK, up early this morning, intending on 3 miles. I'm supposed to be tapering, right? Taper means to cut back on miles, right? LOL Not today. I was feeling really good and strong so I figured I'd just go a little bit longer. 6 miles, under my belt, and now I've promised myself that tomorrow will be an easy 3 and NO MORE, in prep for the weekend run. After my run, I did the push ups from GS Chest and the abs from PH. FEELING GOOD!

Runners.........question for ya. See if I can word this right without confusing anybody! When you're running your races/runs, of any distance, how do you feel and how much are you PUSHING yourself? For instance, are you just running along at your comfortable pace, are you mentally thinking about going making your body and legs go faster, are you pushing yourself to an almost all-out effort? Does this make any sense? LOL

Morning Gayle!
Another early day for me, it was PUB and a 3 mile run this morning, would have loved to have made it to 6 like you, but that would have meant getting up way too early, lol. What a gorgeous, if a little chilly, sunrise!
Now taper, Gayle, taper!
When I run I usually try to pace myself very slowly at first, see how things are feeling, then at times I consciously try to make myself go faster (tops of hills, down hills), especially if I am racing. I always try to kick in speed on the last mile if I can, I feel good if I finish strong and sort of "run through finish line."
Great day to the rest of the runners!
Good morning fit runners

Just for you Gayle....Marine Cor Marathon pic!

Sounds like you are feeling great!!!! I read thru yesterdays thread laughing and feeling this addiction!! When I am in a race it all depends on the distance for me...or if I am trying for a certain pace...shorter races I always tend to go faster than usual, but since I have been doing so many more longer races I don't sprint!

Good workout Mattea..I do like those pryamids! It is nice here too, although a bit dark right now!

I am doing PLB standing and a 6 mile run, and some Core Yoga this afternoon after a short work day!

Have a great day..:)
Carole-you crack me up with the pics! LOL. Thanks, cuz I think I'm doing Marine Corps, BABY!!!!!!!!!

Mattea & Carole-thanks for the input. I have just always wondered if a faster pace comes naturally to some and others have to WORK at it. I can feel the difference in different-length races, so I pretty much knew MY answer, but I was wondering how others were. For me, for the 5K and 4milers I've been doing, I put in a concentrated effort at first to keep a faster pace, but after my body gets used to that faster pace, it seems to settle into it and works with it.

Mattea, I LOVE sprinting that last little bit to the finish line. I always think, "I can pass THIS guy before I cross"! LOL

>Mattea, I LOVE sprinting that last little bit to the finish
>line. I always think, "I can pass THIS guy before I cross"!

Why is passing a guy in the end always so much fun!!...}( :+ :)
Good morning all! I'm in the middle of a stretch of 12 hr work nights
and will be going home soon. My plan is for a 4-5 mile tempo run before hitting the sack. I've so enjoyed reading all this infectious excitement!
Good luck on your race Gayle. For a HM I start out at a comfortable
pace and gradually increase. But I don't go all out until I see that wonderful finish line. :7
Good morning ladies!

Being lazy today because I'm feeling the affects of trying to do P90X and add running, but I'll only get used to it if I keep going. Today, I'll take a rest day, and start again tomorrow.

Gayle - I love the idea of passing a guy right before the finish! Y'all have me so wound up that I'm ready to go running again today, even though I know the ole legs would not be happy. Gradually, Christine, gradually!

Have a fabulous day all!
Morning runners,
Well….I had the best intentions of running my 5 miles yesterday evening after I took our dog to the vet (yearly check-up & shots), but I decided to have dinner first when I got home and never got around to it! Oh, well. I got up and ran 5.5 miles at the gym this morning. I have another question for you racers, does every little ache and pain the week before your big race day scare the heck out of you? LOL, I feel like a pregnant woman in her last week trying not to stress and strain too much and compromise my “marathon baby” on Sunday!

I’ve enjoyed everyone’s response to Gayle’s question. I’m the same way, it depends on the distance. I love 5k’s because they’re fast and furious, I start out fast and try to keep that pace until I tire a bit…then I pull back a little…and pour it on toward the end. I like to sprint over the finish line for those. Now for longer races, I start out gradually and work up to my “race pace” the first mile or two and try to keep it steady the whole race. I can usually find a little “oomph” at the end. ;)

If it's not too rainy today I'll be outside for a run. I might end up using my eliptical though since I really don't like running in the rain.

I also will be doing leg work. Probably Leaner Legs.

Around 8 pm I posted on yesterday's check-in that I signed up for the Sonoma 1/2! The course description sounds awesome. It should be great. Now, I know Thomasina will be there....... What about you Christine? Got your credit card handy?

Gayle, the effort depends on what is planned for that day. Speedwork requires all out effort and full concentration. Some runs are faster paced but not all out. Long runs are generally slow and steady.

Oops Gayle, I misread your question. 5Ks are all out from the start, When I run 10Ks I push from the start but not all out until the last mile or so.
The bug has bitten, and bitten hard! Today is supposed to be my "rest" day, but I'm already thinking that maybe I should just take a nice easy 2 mile run, after all, I did get a new heart rate monitor I want to try out... *rolls eyes at self* Oh yeah, and it's absolutely GORGEOUS out there - first time in I don't know how long! So, I'll go out and get in a nice little run, just to keep the ole legs in shape. ;-)

Kathy - oh, I'll bet you're just SOOO excited! I love the analogy of being 9 months pregnant and afraid to do anything that will hurt the experience - I can so picture that! You'll do fabulous! And I'll be cheering loudly!

Elaine - need to verify with DH that it's okay - he loves to run, but with his knee he can't right now. I don't want him to feel badly that he can't. Although I'm thinking we'll let friends who live in Napa know, and he'll have a wonderful gourment breakfast while I'm busy running my butt off! (Napa friend is a fabulous chef!). Fair exchange, IMHO. But once I get the ok, I'm IN!!

I'm even ordering some cute running shorts and a mesh tank for the event!
Top O’ the mornin’ everybody! It is a beautiful SUNSHINING day!

SO I won’t get injured again, I figured no running today (boo) but I still did Cardio and Weights for some cardio and strength training. Funny though, because I want to maybe do a little teensy run this evening! …..such an addiction!! LOL

Elaine! - YeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuussssssUH! :7 is what I screeched whilst reading your late evening post of yesterday! Now we just have to “enable” Christine a little more! Woo hoo! Oh, and so sorry you are having more rain…not a drop here though.

Gayle – As I posted late yesterday, I thought you should go the Marine Corps Marathon route! I’m so excited for you! And please TAPER, Girl!

Mattea – I love the pyramids!

Carole – YOU ROCK with the photos! Thanks so much for getting that photo in here for Gayle! Now, let’s see what photo is appropriate for today…hmm….Maybe you could find another Wine Country Half photo to help Elaine and I “enable” Christine over the edge to register}(

Shelly C. – You have some great willpower because I could never commit to a run being that tired!

Kathy – I used to get nervous like that before a marathon. One time I wouldn’t even participate in the group sports at my DH’s company picnic because I was paranoid of getting a freak injury right before my run! GOOD LUCK this weekend and let us know how it goes!!

Judy - Hello! and I want to get IMAX3 do you like it?

C H R I S T I N E! - WORK on the DH! I like the enticing with breakfast option; I hope it works However, I can relate to how he must feel not being able to run and you get to. Not a fun predicament. I really want to run this half this year because last year I was signed up for the Wine Country half and Chicago but was injured and couldn’t go! SO, this year I’m REALLY motivated to go!

Hello to all that follow today!

Elaine and Thomasina - I do have to tell you that telling DH that I want to spend a day in wine country is like telling kid you want to spend the day in a candy store. DH fully appreciates a fine vintage. So I'm not really expecting any arguments. I just want to clear it before I plunk down the money. :)
Christine - GOT IT! Cool...I had to talk my DH into going on this too before I registered. Yummy! I fully appreciate a fine Sonoma red!! But I have to appreciate with moderation! Hope everything works out. As Elaine says, the course sounds really nice. Oh, and I have the running bug too, because I'm trying not to run today but boy do I want to get in maybe just a couple of miles! No, no, no..don't want to irritate my hip! Geez, I'm so scared of getting hurt again I may be being a little too lenient!
Well, if you're looking for someone to run with who will be going at a nice slow pace, that will be me. I'll keep you in line. ;-) And yes, you don't want to irritate your hip, so take those rest days. It's okay. You get a couple of 1/2's under your belt, you'll know what you can do now.

And yeah, I think it's in moderation for all of us. After a 13 mile run, especially! :+
Yesirree, 13.1 miles = cheers baby! I'm a cabernet girl myself. I LOVE Sonoma reds the best, so I'll have to really use some moderation! Usually I indulge in the red wine on weekends with dinner, so the wine tasting after a run will be a first for me!

Yes, my intention for this half is to run easy and steady. Not that I was really fast in the first place though! lol. I think my best time on the half is 2:10 something but that was with a little hill action. I know, I know, that's what they all say..hills. But I'm just happy I can run the distance for such an old girl like me (41) and if I can improve then I'll go for that too. And I really am thankful that I am able to run again. These past few weeks I have been feeling so much better and fit and i know it is because of the running AND all of the great support and inspiration I get around here that keeps me motivated and on track!:7

Hey - watch it - I'm your age and I am not OLD!!! I'm like a fine cabernet, I improve with age. :+ :+ :+

And I know, if I decide not to go, you ladies are going to come and drag me anyway, so I may as well just sign up. DH gets back on Saturday. I'm working on my sales pitch... ;-)

I've done the Bay to Breakers (7.2 miles) in 1:25, but that was with a slow start (after being attacked by tortillas and the crowds - if you've ever done the Bay to Breakers, you'll know what I mean - if not, go visit for more info). Does anyone know if this 1/2 is hilly? In reading it, we run from Napa to Sonoma - and there are some BIG hills in between the two.
Kathy..good luck on the marathon!!! I always get nervous too...and get made fun off because I won't mountain bike with friends a month before any marathon as I am afraid I'll fall and hurt something important!

Way to go with The IMax blasts Judy!!

Christine....the bug has definitely bitten you!!! I enjoy watching the enabling...:) shorts and a tank top are for sure a must for the half!!

Tomasina...aren't you LOVIN the sun!!! 89 here right now!! and just for you a pic of the half (even thought Christine has already been enabled)

And I only wish I were the bionic woman....because if this half was not the day after my 50K...I'd be there to meet you lovely ladies!!!!

I ended up only doing 5 miles today due to time but I did put in about 5 intervals....FUN!!!

So is Humboldt still on this Oct???...:)...:)
Christine, the course sounds like it's fairly friendly. Here's the description from the web site:

The Course
This picturesque Napa to Sonoma 13.1 mile route begins at historic Bouchaine Winery near the Napa River and winds through the back roads of the Carneros wine region into Sonoma.

Runners can actually smell the grapes as they wind through hundreds of rolling acres of vineyards and six wineries, while enjoying vistas of the Napa-Sonoma Marshes Wildlife Area. Also prominent are the farmlands of southern Sonoma County, where a variety of animals including sheep, horses, cows, pigs, goats, llama’s, chickens and donkeys reside.

After passing Gundlach Bundschu’s estate vineyards, the course leads runners onto a running path into the high school for one lap around the track before entering Broadway St. for the grand finish towards historic City Hall in the Sonoma Plaza.

This is not your typical street course! You’ll enjoy the variety of scenery and a few rolling hills in the early stages of the race (but never a climb over 100 feet in elevation). It's pretty much all vineyards and farms until the final stretch down Broadway in front of hundreds of cheering spectators.


Now, how could you pass that up????? Check out the web site. Also, early registration is $55 instead of $65. It's going to be so much fun and you are right, Thomasina and I will drag you if you balk one bit!!
Thomasina and Elaine- that Napa 1/2 sounds divine! We'll all want to see PICS!!!

Carole- what kind of course is the Humboldt marathon? It sounds interesting.

Kathy G.- I can so relate to the panicking with any ache and pain before a race :eek: I guess all of us can...perfectly human! You're running in the NJ marathon, right? Do you live in NJ? I'm visiting there this June (annual pilgrimage to see the in-laws) I've signed up for an 8K on the Jersey shore (long island)

I had a great tempo run this am. In a couple of days I'll be starting a taper period too. I think this is the hardest part of any race preparation!

Cheers to all

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