RUDE Awakening


Hello all. Boy, I just had a very RUDE awakening. I know I've really gained the weight lately, but today while doing laundry, I decided to try on two pair of shorts that I wore just two summers ago. Last summer I tried them on, and though I had to squeeze them on, and lay down to zip them up (and then decided I could not wear them) I at least got them on. I knew they would be too little, but I still wanted to gauge how they would be on me. So, I went to try them on, and I BARELY got them over my hips, with a MAJOR gap (we're talking between 5-7 inch gap) before I would even be able to SQUEEZE the button and zipper together.

I go back and forth with trying to lose weight and workout, and I find it difficult to stick to anything. This past weekend I have been so GREAT at sticking to an eating plan and working out. I called my Mother in disbelief after trying to try the shorts on, and she reassured me that I need to use that as a reminder to stick with my program. She also told me to try every few weeks to see what progress I am making. I really can't believe that I"ve done this to myself. x(

Well, thanks for letting me vent. I really needed to get this off my chest. I hope in a few weeks I have somewhat positive news for everybody.

Hi Kim,
Iknow how you feel, 3 months ago, I was in the same position, none of my blue jeans fit, I had to get drastic. I refused to buy bigger jeans than my size 8's, I will buy smaller though lol. Anyway after alot of hard work, my blue jeans and dockers fit, and I have room to spare in them, now I am looking forward to buying smaller size by July.
I had a hard time believing I had done that to myself too, I had never had a weight problem until about 4 or 5 yrs ago, ugh.
I know if I can do it, and stay with it, anyone can, I made it a priority. As soon as I get up in the morning I put on my exercise clothes and get with it.
So Kim, you go girl ..... God bless you :7
Hi there. Boy, to say that I was an 8.......I remember that size just about five years ago. An 8 or 10 is my ultimate goal. The shorts I tried on were 14's, and I am currently a 16...sometimes those are tight!! I know losing size at any size is always difficult. Congrats on your success. I hope to someday be a morning exerciser, but I just don't have it in me yet!! :( ;(
Hi Kim!
I just wanted to encourage you and say you can do it! I was in similiar shoes about six months ago after I had my second baby and found myself wearing size 16. I was a size 10 just two years ago (before the first baby) Well I had to just snap out of it. I joined WW and really started planning and tracking my workouts. I still sometimes overindulge but it is so much less than I used to. I am now getting into my size 12s which is feeling pretty darn good. I would love to wear my 10s again someday. The things that are really working for me for weight loss are journaling my food, accountability for weigh-ins and plenty of cardio and weight training. I look forward to reading about your success!! Heather
I really hesitate to say this, but this is my opportunity to chime in with "weigh yourself at least once a month." If you do that, there won't be any great big surprise when you try on the shorts.

So, I've said it - bring on the bashing.

I'm going through the very same thing. I tried on my shorts
when we had ONE hot day last week and nothing fit except for
the old baggy shorts I never wore last year, and now they
are VERY snug. I started some new medication in September and
have gained 12lbs. The last straw was yesterday when I had
to wear my husbands jeans. I am going to join Weight Watchers
next week and get rid of the excess! Workouts alone are not
working. I've been following Cathe's rotations plus I added
a 2.5 mile walk every morning on top and still the weight
will not budge, so I must do something about the eating
habits. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone.
When someone is going through similar situations, it somehow
makes the situation somewhat less horrific. Good luck to

No bashing here, HB. You're right on, though. I HAVE HAVE HAVE to weigh myself periodically or my weight will just go way out of control. Don't ask me why -- it's very strange. I actually try to weigh myself once a week to really stay on top of it -- or at least when I WANT to pay attention to it. ;-)

I also weigh myself once a week and I keep of a pair of what I call "honest pants" that I periodically try on. No stretch to them, just a nice pair of cotton kahki's. When they start to get abit snug, time to watch the eating.
A great place to track food and activity is That site really helped me to get my eating in line. Also, make sure you are eating enough! I found out from tracking my food at fitday that I was always around 1900 calories and very clean eating!! Since, I have been using fitday, the weight is coming off and I am much more aware of what I'm putting in my mouth.
I also found mixing up the exercise to be very good for me - a good mix of weights, cardio, pilates, yoga, Lotte Berk, running, walking. I stay with exercise if I do lots of different things.
Hope that helps.
I was like you, found out clothes did not fit, made some changes and now I feel much better and I'm wearing a size I'm comfortable with - an 8 or 10.
It's really a coincidence that I found this thread today. I have a pair of "Old Navy" khaki shorts that I've worn since I started losing baby weight from my son 2 years ago. Well, I love those shorts SO MUCH b/c they're cute AND comfy! BUT last night they were dirty so I was forced to wear my "normal" clothes, and while they fit ok - they are tighter than I would like or accept if I was wearing those everyday. I forced myself to wear those all day, and it did help when I was thinking about eating candy after dinner. I've also gotten complacent about weighing myself. I think I've gotten really lazy about some things that really used to help me stay super fit and lean! Good thread!
Kathy H
Hang in there, you can do it. I have been a 14 since high school. I joined WW in November and yesterday I bought size 6 capris. I have been doing the Intensity videos since March, and last weekend my husband looked at my legs in shorts and told me they were absolutely incredible:7

It took 6 months to take off 40 punds, but if you watch what you eat and exercise it does come off. I am in my 40's and was still able to do this.

alright dorthy, thats wonderful what encouragement:7 .. I didn't start out doing cathe's work out when I started in March, at first I was just walking and then jogging some, and doing some ab work, then after about a month I came upon cathe's workouts again, and decided thats what I need. Then someone in here said something about lifting weights to lose weight, thats all I needed to hear, to start looking for my next workout dvd or video. Of course the eating right, I had to change what I eat and when I eat.
I know Kim will get where she wants to be before she knows it ....I now she can do it :7 :7 ........... Rhonda :7 :7
Hi everyone, and thanks sooooo much for all your encouragement. I truly need it right now. I've been using fitday and boy is it really helping. Once before (about a year ago) my dr. tried putting me on a diet and told me to eat between 1200 and 1500 calories, so I made it my goal to eat between 1300 and 1600. It's been fun playing around with everything, and I did great all weekend long. I did good today, but my biggest concern is my weekdays because they can get very hectic, so I just need to make sure I plan and stay prepared. That's the hardest part. Right now I do not have a rotation per se, but I have been playing around with the Slim in 6, Slim Series and Power Half Hour tapes that I have. Seems like alot of people saw great results with the Slim Series, then after awhile I will start adding my Cathe back in. I messed up my ankle on Easter day doing Cardio and Weights, so I'm still trying to sxtay away from side to side or high impact with this ankle yet. Again, I truly appreciate all your support, and I sure hope I can come to you guys when I need to vent, scream, or need support!! You all are great!!

RE: RUDE Awakening......Michelle

Hi Michelle. I meant to ask in my last post what Lotte Berke was?!? Did I really mess the spelling up with that?!?! lol
Kim, please let me know how your progressing in your goal ?? I just want to encourage you along the way ... its hard getting yourself in a routine and staying there, until March, I was one to start and stop, until that morning, they wouldn't fit me anymore ......... so keep in touch please:+ :7 your friend in fitness ... Rhonda .. God bless you
Hi Rhonda!! Thanks sooo much for taking an interest in my progress. I'm just as interested in yours too!! For some reason, I'm really sticking with my eating program, and my exercise program as well, though I have been cramping the past two days (getting ready for TOM) and not really exercising due to cramps and heavy feeling leg syndrome!! lol. If you would like, feel free to email personally at WOuld love to keep in touch.

RE: RUDE Awakening......Michelle

I'm not Michelle; but Lotte Berk (as I understand it) is similar to Callanetics and ballet and pilates--kind of like they're all rolled into one. If you go to and type in 'Lotte Berk' into the "Search by Keyword"- (the second box) you'll come up with 4 videos/dvds with clips to preview. I've been on the fence about these for a long time. They look similar to everything else but people on Firm Ya Yas are just raving about them so I don't know...
There are several places on the web that you can buy the 4 pack dvds for under $50 (Deep Discount DVD has it for ~$42 and free shipping).

Hope any of this helps.
Sarah :p
Sure will Kim, mine is lol in case your wondering what rcwog means my initials rhonda cook, and Woman of God :+ :7 I usually hang out in yahoo christian chat room 3 :+ ..... be talking to ya Kim ... God bless you ... love Rhonda :9

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