RS pivot-repeater


In Rhythmic-Step, the first step section, there is this pivot-repeater. Does anyone actually do this one? Please tell me that we mere mortals are supposed to just do a regular repeater here. To have such power and control is but a dream.

They power up over the step, control the turn, and nail the landing each time. Amazing. And, visually it's stunning. Just one glance when they all turn together and you know instantly what step it is.

Lol ... sorry to 'burst' your bubble, but I pull it off every time. It's one of my favorite moves .. that and the tap-hop-repeater :p

Keep at it ... you'll get it!! :-jumpy

~ nicole
I have two left feet and I do it too. At first it was tricky, it took about 2 or 3 tries to get it down, but I absolutely LOVE the way the pivots go exactly with the music! It is one of my favorite Cathe moves ever! Keep at it - it's so fun it's worth it!
Hi TK,

I don't do the pivot repeater. It's kind of funny, because when I first got this workout I simply couldn't do that move. As a matter of fact I modified almost all of the power/impact moves. Now I can do the whole workout without modifications. The funny thing is, once I was able to do all of the impact, I discovered there are a couple of impact moves I just don't like. I don't like the pivot repeater, or the tap hop repeater. These two moves just don't work for me, so I usually do a regular repeater, sometimes with power, sometimes grounded.

Take care,

Pivot-repeater and tap-hop-repeater are my favorites! Sometimes I miss the cue in for the first tap-hop-repeater and I get mad 'cause I like it so much!

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
I also do that one too. Keep at it, you'll get it. Rhymthic Step is one of my favourite Cathe cardios these days.

I too love the pivot repeater & the tap-hop repeater. Especially the pivot. I learned the tap-hop immediately, the pivot took 2 or 3 rewinds & then I had it. Fun!
p.s. My "can't do it" move (on a different workout though) is Flying Angels...just can't do it! I think it's the only one I've completely failed at. Looks so fun too...sigh!
Thank you for all of your kind inputs and encouragement.

I am in awe that you can do this one as just another step. You must be working out at a nice high intensity. Thanks to your inputs, I can see that it's do-able, but, abundant strength and grace are going to take a little while.

niclyf, you are right. It was a bubble, and it was great! V-steps... And U-turns... The only challenge was building up enough endurance to do all of the power-scissors. Then, BANG, and it's: jump kick jump kick pivot-repeater! A what-repeater?!? I had to check the video and make sure it wasn't Extreme Stepping.

Now, to find more strength. Or a 2" step...

You can just call me grandma. I'll be in the corner with the bunny-steps.

Hope you all fare well. Thanks, again.


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