

I am confused about rotations. I change my work-out up every week and it seems from what I am reading that you guys follow some type of cycle and than change it every 4-6 weeks or so. What are the benefits of doing this?

Following are the video's that I have
The Pure Strength series
Leaner Legs
Cardio Kicks
Power Hour
Slow and Heavy series
I ordered all of the Intesity series
CIA-2203 Cardio Strike plus Bootcamp
Reebox-Intense Moves by Gin Miller
Ultimate Boot Camp Challange by Mindy Mylrea
Kick it Knock it w/Teerie Reeves
Several dif. Pilates tapes

I am 5' 1" and weigh approx. 118 lbs.
I am not very concerned about loosing weight. My goal is to loose some body fat, gaining more muscle and getting more cut.
I work out 5-7 days a week. If it is 7 days than one of those days will be Pilates. My diet is fairly clean except on the weekends. I tend to let things go at dinner time.

My abs and arms respond easily. My legs are muscular but I tend to carry most of my body fat there.

Any suggestions on a rotation?

Also what is "Bump?"

I would really appreciate anyone's help. Thanks...
Hi there,

I don't have enough knowledge to answer the rotation question, but just wanted to tell you that "bump" is when someone makes a reply to the message with a word or two, just to get it back to the top of the message list so someone will see it. Each time a message is responded to, it goes back to the top of the reading list.

Good luck with the rotations. There are lots of knowledgeable people here so I'm sure you'll get some good suggestions.

I believe there are also pages and pages of rotations at
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-30-02 AT 10:48PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi,

I will try my best to answer your question on rotating the list of videos you have posted. First, I would like to say that you should workout only 6 days and leave the 7th day as a rest and relaxation day.

Week 1, here's a sample rotation:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: The Pure Strength series
Tuesday: Cardio Kicks
Wednesday: Leaner Legs
Thursday: Pilates
Friday: Power Hour or any tape on your list of tapes you are waiting for
Saturday: 10 10 10
Sunday: Rest Day

Week 2: here's a sample rotation:

Monday: Kicbox
Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday: Slow and Heavy Series
Wedenesday: Rest Day
Friday: MIC

When the Intesity series arrives do that on any Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

All other tapes below that you are waiting to receive can be substituted in for a lighter workout or a workout without weights or just a plain cardio workout to get away from weight training for a day or two so you can let your muscles recover and Pilates of course can be done 2-3 days a week for 20 minutes.

***CIA-2203 Cardio Strike plus Bootcamp
Reebok-Intense Moves by Gin Miller
Ultimate Boot Camp Challange by Mindy Mylrea
Kick it Knock it w/Teerie Reeves
Several dif. Pilates tapes

***NOTE: You don't have to follow the given rotations, its just a sample, but when you have all your tapes try substituting the tapes, but REMEMBER if the tape is a series do it on any given M/W/F or Tues/Thurs/Sat. If they are single tapes, they can be done on other days or used for a different week rotation.

I usually try and do 2-3 cardio and sculpt days, 2-3 sculpting days and 1 solo cardio day. or 3 cardio days, 2 cardio and sculpt day and 1 day which is usually saved for relaxation and stretching. Another rotation that I might use is 3 sculpting days, 2 cardio days and 1 day for cardio and relaxation and stretching, but I work my abs 4 days a week for 10 minutes.

***There are many different ways to make a rotation work, but just remember do not work the same muscle groups the same way every week, try to surprise them by working it differently. YOU will see quicker results if you have a different kind of rotation every week so that your body knows that you are working them differently so it doesn't remember what you have done previously, therefore you won't hit a plateau.

Hope that answered your question. If you have any further questions, feel free to e-mail me privately at [email protected]. I am happy to help anyone with questions on rotations and other stuff.

Marian from NY
Hi! There are possible benefits to doing your workouts in a set roatation that lasts at least 4 weeks. The reason for doing a specific type of exercises for this long is too have a longer time to concentrate on whatever goal you have. For example, if you want to build up your muscular endurance, you may do a rotation that includes an endurance tape (PH or MIS, for example) 2 to 3 times per week. If, on the other hand, you want to increase your strength, you may do a rotation that includes certain strength tapes (PS or S&H) for that amount of time. If you only did this rotation for 1 week, you may not see results. Doing it for longer durations can help you reach your goals.
However, each person is different and responds differently to everything. If you are seeing the results you want by just mixing up the tapes you have week by week, then there is no real reason to change that (unless you are doing the same things so repetitively that you may be risking overuse injury). Mixing things up is often the key to seeing results. That's why after 4 (or more) weeks, you'd want to change your rotation again. Your body may get used to the rotaion, and may stop responding to what you are doing...

Your rotation doesn't have to be specific tapes over and over. You can do something like:
day one: 30 min cardio
day two: core work, upper body
day three: rest
day four: 45 min cardio
day five: total body (incl. core work)
day six: 45-60 min cardio
day seven: rest or cardio or total body (depending on goals)
That way you can vary your sessions, esp. your cardio. Make sure youdo some light, moderate and high intensity cardio each week.
You do want to make sure you get about 24-48 hours of rest between strength training sessions.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-30-02 AT 07:01PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi,

I really do recommend at least ONE rest day per week to let your muscles recover. Working out 7 days a week can show signs of over-training and injuries. It should be common sense and I learned this from my Sports Science class in college because my major is Exercise Physiology. Whatever Wendy posted is good as well, but I still believe the 7th day should be REST or a combination of rest with yoga for stretch and relaxation or pilates.

Thats just my opinion.


P.S. Wendy, sorry I didn't see you have a day of rest and another optional 2nd day of rest as well. That's a great rotation as well, Jboyd: Looks like our feedback should help you out in rotating your tapes.
I agree, and I did include one rest day, with an optional second rest day. You really should consider resting to be as important as an actual workout day, in my opinion! :)
Thanks for all of your input, I really appreciate it.
If I do work out 7 days a week it has always been a Yoga or Pilates tape. Usually being home with two kids it always seems that I only fit in 5-6 days though, so I always end up getting a day of rest.

The rotations look good and will help me get something set up now that I see the benefits of doing it this way.

Thanks again.
Hi JBoyd,

Glad that both Wendy and my posts helped you decide on your new rotations. Good Luck on your road to great success in weight loss or to just stay fit and creat strong and lean muscles. If you have any other questions, post it here and I will be glad to help you out.

Marian from NY

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