

I'm confused about the definition of "rotation". I thought it was important to cross-train. When you say stick to a rotation for 4 to 6 weeks, is that just talking about weight training? If so, does that mean you stick with a specific body part or exercise? OR...does a rotation include the aerobic aspect, too? I'm just trying to get the most benefit from my workouts. Any input would be appreciated.
My Two Cents

Hi, Danna. That "rotation" word can be confusing, because I'm sure people use it in different ways. For me, a "rotation" is simply a particular set of tapes I use during a 4-6 week period in order to accomplish a specific goal--or simply to refresh my workout. Setting up a rotation calendar gives me something to look forward to and provides a certain amount of motivation.

For example, I might use Cathe's PS series every other day, alternating with a Cathe step tape, a Christi Taylor hi/lo tape, and a day of jogging outdoors for cardio. After a few weeks, I might switch to FIRM tapes, alternating with an interval tape, a long walk, and a yoga/stretch day. Any change in your workout routine makes your muscles react differently, and helps advance your fitness in a new way.

Cross-training in aerobic conditioning means using a variety of cardio activities: step, hi/lo, running, swimming, walking, biking, Stairmaster. The point is to avoid doing the same thing--whether strength or cardio--over and over for a long period of time. That will diminish your results, and (worst of all) could lead to boredom and burnout.

Hope this helps. Best wishes, Barbara
I think it refers to both

By sticking to a strength training routine for 4 to 6 weeks you build strength and stamina. Over time, however, your muscles "adapt" and so, you change the type of training or the amount of weight you use to "shock' the muscle into further gains. When it comes to cardio exercise, it's important to crosstrain to reduce the risk of an overuse injuries. It's also smart to cross hi impact exercise like Cathe's tapes or running with low impact like walking or bicycling. But you rotate between strength and cardio. That's my take on rotation and I confess I find it very hard to stick to the same routine for 4 to 6 weeks.:)
I hope this is of some help to you.

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