Rotations for Great Definition


Hey, just wondering if someone could post a rotation they did that gave them good or better definition. I workout 6 days a week and have 60-70 min. during the week, 90 min. on the weekends. I own all of Cathe's DVDs except for Circuit Max and the real early step tapes. Thanks!
hey jillybean :)
Do a search for "Tank Top Arms" and there is a rotation posted by Marlene123 that is the bomb! I printed it out some time ago, but I altered it to fit my needs, but kept her general idea of working certain upper body parts 3x/week, and others 2x/week. I believe it was working the bi/tri/shoulders 3x/week and chest/back 2x/week, but do a search for "Tank Top Arms" and it should come up, there were also other upper body rotations posted there as well, but Marlene's worked a miracle on me! I love quick results, and her rotation gave it! :)
jillybean, here is Marlene123's rotation:

Here is my current rotation which I have been doing for 10 weeks. I plan to do two more weeks of this, then two to three weeks of Slow & Heavy and then back again. I have had such incredible success with this rotation that I hate to let it go even for a few weeks but I know I must to cause some muscle confusion.
Anyway, here it is (and I admit, it's a killer):

Day #1: Pure Strength Chest, Back, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
Day #2: CTX Leaner Legs
Day #3: CTX Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps plus cardio
Day #4: Cardio
Day #5: MIS
Day #6: Cardio
Day #7: Cardio or rest

As you can see, this routine works shoulders, biceps and triceps three times per week, chest and back twice and legs twice. I do abs 4-5 times per week as well.

Everyone is different and this may be too much training for some but it works for me. In order to develop cuts and definition I have to work the muscles frequently, making sure there is a day of rest between. My abs, which I work the most, have become fabulous - I even have a six pack that I can actually see and feel. Awesome. So in my case at least, the three times a week sessions for the shoulders and arms have produced the best results. I am ready for tank top weather.

I love this rotation, and it gave me great results, I'm doing S&H as she suggested for this week and the next 2 weeks, then I'm going back to this for one more round before summertime! :)
Hey Donna, I understand that this rotation will give you cuts and definition, but what about wt. loss? Has this rotation helped you shed any pounds, or are you at goal? I have wt. to lose and was just wondering.

TIA, Robin.
I am also interested if you found this rotation to be helpful in the weight-loss department, Donna. I have read about this rotation before & thought it sounded awesome. Maybe it's time I try it too!

Thanks :)
Just looking at this rotation makes me think you would loose weight. It is very intense and includes 3 with an optional 4th cardio sessions. I don't know how advanced you are or how much time you have to work out but this rotation looks advanced and effective. I copied and pasted to save to try myself! :)
I have been doing the Tank Top Arms rotation, and my results have been awesome, and I am on week 3 of it. I can really see it in my UB already. In fact, yesterday I almost blew my healthy eating plan, and the way my UB looks stopped me, I don't want to ruin it!!! For the LB days, I have been doing a treadmill routine that Cathe recommended for slimming the hips last fall. It is really working good for me. I lost 1 lb. last week, and I was happy.
Thanks Donna and Lori! I am really looking forward to getting cut in the upperbody again. I have spent too many summers in long sleeves! Lori, could you please tell me where to find the treadmill routine? Thanks again!
Do I have weight to lose?!

Girl yes! :) I just made it over the 200lb threshold 2 weeks ago! I weighed in Monday am @ 195.5lbs, but hey, I'm a happy camper, haven't seen the 1-hundreds since the 1980's, so I say "195.5" with the same enthusiasm as a woman who says, "I weigh 110lbs!"
But to answer your question, yes, I also continued to lose weight, primarily from all the additional lifting I would assume. The more muscle you build, the more calories your body burns, even at rest. Plus I always do 5-6 days/week of cardio regardless of the weight training rotation. So yes, I find this rotation to be extremely effective, and if Marlene123 checks out this posting, I'd love to put our heads together on a combo rotation for "tank top arms" and intervals/kickboxing!
RE: Do I have weight to lose?!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-18-02 AT 09:41AM (Est)[/font][p]OH YYYEEEEEESSSS!!!!!! I love Intervals, so a "Tank Top Arms/Intervals/Kickboxing Rotation" would be GREAT!!!!!! I'm so excited. Donna, put some cardio in there for every day, OK???? Only 2 weeks left of my (your) 6 week fat blaster rotation, so HURRY!! BTW, just so you know, I wore a dress to church last Sunday that I couldn't wear 2 weeks before. I owe it to your rotation and clean eating. I'm not weighing, tho...

Oh, and I don't want to forget to congratulate you on busting thru the 200 lb. mark. YEAH!!! YIPPEEEE!!! HOORAY!!!!! (Picture me jumping up and down, big/goofy smile, wearing my smaller dress. LOL)

Donna: Are you doing abs in addition to what is in the Cathe workouts? If so, what?

Are you doing this and still doing lower body solution????
How much time do you devote to exercise everyday?

CONGRATULATIONS on busting that plateau!!!!! You ROCK!!!!!

Is it possible to do Body Max's step and upperbody instead on the PS upperbody day? I just finished 8 weeks of PS and am not sure if I can do it much longer (need a change)! Thanks!
Hey Katie

I do abs only 3x/week, I know many people do it much more, but I figure since I won't be able to see any definition in them anyway until I lose at least another 40-50lbs., might as well just do the every other day thing until they actually appear! :)
I just do an abs workout from which ever Cathe I happen to be doing. It seems it always works out that there is an abs portion in whatever video I happen to be doing, so I'll look over the week and just pick either mon-wed-fri or tue-thu-sat to do abs.
I hear kickboxing is great for the abs, so that's a bonus workout I guess! :)
As for the LBS, I modified that 2 weeks ago. I had great results, but it made some of my workouts just too long some days! So I've opted for working my lower body w/weights 3x/week, and I'm hoping the kickboxing will "sort of" be the equivalent of a lower body floor day, I mean, it does work the inner and outer thighs :)
Ideally, I like to keep my workouts to 60-90 min. I don't mind 2 hr workouts as long as they're not everyday. The bummer is needing so much cardio to lose weight. I'll have much more flexibility with my workouts once I get to a maintenance level, but since THAT won't be until sometime next year probably, they're pretty long, usually 90min with both cardio + weights.

I think it would be fine to sub the upper body portion of BodyMax for the PS day in that rotation. Just so long as you hit the same muscle groups, you should be fine, and remember to go as heavy as you can without sacrificing form.
RE: Hey Katie

Thanks Donna! I'm really struggling with getting everything done in one 24 hour period. It seems like working out and sleeping are the first things to go (the alarm goes off at 0430 and I don't get up to exercise, but I'm awake anyway). Lately I've been doing really intense intervals 3x per week and that has finally budged me off the plateau. We're moving to Germany in June and I get to be a stay at home mom again, and I'm hoping I'll be able to both sleep and exercise on a regular basis!!!

Thanks for the info! You are a true athlete! Katie
Treadmill Routine

Two times a week, do the following:
40 mins. on the treadmill. (7 mins. are walking warm-up, and 3 min. cool down.) For 30 mins. brisk walk if you don't do this regularly, but if you can run, RUN!! Even walk/run if that is possible.

Then immediately following your workout, do the squat track from PH, and the lunge track from PH. Finally, the floor portion from PS Legs.

Today I didn't have time to do this, so I did the bodyMax aerobic and then the leg portion, followed by PS Legs portion. I will probably do that agin on Sat., and then next week go back to the treadmill.
Hi Donna!! Congratulations on breaking the 200 mark! That is wonderful.

Did you find that this rotation is good for definition in the lower body too? Though I am a pear, with all the extra weight I've gained over the past few years, I need to lose everywhere!
I like this rotation idea and I think I'll try it. I don't have CTX yet (I hope to order it next week), I suppose one could substitute Cory's Get Hard Arms & Shoulders for CTX since CTX is more endurance and since I don't have CTX yet. Thanks for the great rotation idea!
Definition for lower body

Hey Katie,
That's the area I had to alter Marlene's rotation on. At the time I was doing LBS so I was working my legs 3x/week w/weights and 2x/week doing lower body floor toning exercises. So during this rotation, I used ctx power circuit, PS-L&A and Firm:Standing Legs as my weighted workouts. And I used the floorwork portion of PS-L&A for my non-weight toning days.
BTW, if you don't have Firm: Standing Legs, it is a killer leg workout! I don't really care for Firm workouts as a rule, but this legs video is a really good one! Caution: At least a million leg presses, so if knees are a weak area for you, this may not be a good choice, but if your knees are okay, this is a really good legs workout! I can still feel it the next day every time I do it! :)
Gibbee, I do have CTX, but I'm still planning to sub GHAS in this rotation. I've been dying to do a rotation with it and a "Tank Top Arms rot." seems like just the chance.


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