
I have a huge favor. I got the Firm/Cathe rotation but there are so many of the Firm ones I don't have. I want to do a rotation with both Cathe & Firm but I am lost. This is what I have:
Firm Vol 1-6
Firm Strength & Cardio
Tough Aerobic Mix
Standing Legs/and the floor one - (can't remember the name)
Cathe x-train
PS Series
Imax/ Body May
Max Int Stregth & Cardio
Step Heat/ Power Max/ Mega Step Blast

I also have a treadmill

Could someone help me rotate these to be an effective routine? My legs need the most help and my goal is weight control and leaning out.
If a rotation is too much could someone help me understand where these firm videos could fit in.

Big thanks, Sharon
Hi Sharon - I'm a longtime FIRM user and a new Cathe exerciser and I've been creating Firm/Cathe rotations for myself too with a primary goal of increasing cardio to burn fat. What I focus on when I design my rotations is to make sure I get enough cardio and that I'm not overworking any one body part or overdoing the strength training. I also mix up cardio between Cathe's step tapes and the Firm's aerobic tapes since I don't want to overwork my knees. A typical rotation with what you have can look like

Week 1
Firm Volume 1-6 (take a complete rest day on one of those days or take 2 rest days and eliminate one of the Classics)

Week 2
Cathe CTX series (take at least 1 rest day)

Week 3
Mon: Firm Cardio
Tues: Firm Strength
Wed: Cathe Interval Max
Thurs: rest
Fri:Cathe MIS
Sat: Tough Aerobic Mix
Sun: Step Heat

There's also a rotations document floating around that has a Firm/Cathe combo. Someone gave me a copy of it and I'm happy to send it to you if you need it. You can always substitute for tapes you don't have by the type of workout that day is supposed to be (e.g. if it's supposed to be a cardio workout and calls for Firm Super Cardio, you can do Tough Aerobic Mix instead). Hope that helps.
Hi Sharon,

What I do is whatever hits me on the week I plan my rotations. I always make sure to include plenty of Cathe's awesome intense cardio and of course, I can't live without doing the Firm's leg presses with the 14" box at least once a week. I usually alternate the Firm and Cathe within a given week.

For instance, Tuesday I did "Circuit Max"

Wednesday I did "Vol 6" of the Firm

Tonight I am doing "Mega Step Blast"

Friday I will do "Step and Intervals"

I find that the Firm's "Cardio Burn" and "Maximum Cardio" are very similar to Cathe's "Cross Train Express" in format.

With so many Cathe workouts and so many Firm workouts I am never bored!

And I find that for definition and fun rotating the Firm and Cathe is the way to go! I am a diehard fan of both of them.

Although I would like to see more Firm videos.

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