Hello! Here is a brief rundown of my rotations. These rotations don't include the new series, but I can post some of those too if you'd like. I like to do endurance, then mixed, then strength. Here goes:
CTX using 2 body parts per day for 4 weeks
Then onto MIS for 4 weeks:
Sat. MIS
Sun. MIC
Mon. MIS
Tue. Lower intensity cardio such as Rhythmic Step or Step Jam
Wed. MIS
Thu. Cardio Kicks or Step Works
Fri. Rest
If doing MIS 3x's a week bores you to death, you can substitute another total body video but I find that this rotation does wonders for my stamina and promotes definition, as well as building a nice foundation of strength.
Next I do PS for 8 weeks (you can do it for 6 or 4 weeks if you like):
Sat. Imax
Sun. PS CST and PS BBA
Mon. PS SL&A
Tue. Imax (or another super intense/interval workout
Wed. weeks 1,3,5,7 I do PH - weeks 2,4,6,8 I do MIS
Thu. A lower intensity tape such as Step Fit
Fri. Rest
This PS rotation is my favorite. I love starting out using about 40# for legs and by the 6th or 7th week I'm using 50. I also love what doing Imax 2x's per week does for my cardiovascular system.
Next is 3 weeks of S&H.
Sat. S&H L&S and a CTX cardio
Sun. S&H C&B
Mon. S&H T&B and a CTX cardio
Tue. Cardio Kicks
Wed. CTX LL and the upperbody section of Body Max (you could also substitute ME or PH if you prefer)
Thu. Imax
Fri. Rest
Another variation is the following:
Sat. S&H L&S
Sun. Power Max
Mon. S&H C&B
Tue. Cardio Kicks
Wed. S&H T&B
Thu. Imax
Fri. Rest
I generally like to hit up each muscle group twice per week, but sometimes S&H leaves me spent so the above rotation is a more restful one.
Then I go into my endurance rotations, starting with PH 3x's a week for 4 weeks:
Sat. PH
Sun. Cardio Kicks
Mon. PH
Tue. Step Jam
Wed. PH
Thu. Imax
Fri. Rest
Again, if the thought of doing PH 3x's in 1 week bores you, you could substitue ME or MIS or Body Max circuit and upperbody segment for one of the days.
Then I go into a mixed rotation:
Sat. Body Max
Sun. Lower intensity cardio such as Rhythmic Step or Step Fit
Mon. MIS lower body and MIC hi/lo
Tue. MIS upper body
Wed. MIC step
Thu. Circuit Max
Fri. Rest
This rotation gives you a chance to go heavy with MIS since you are splitting the tape in two. It also gives you some endurance with Body Max and Circuit Max. I usually do this rotation for 3 or 4 weeks. Then I start all over with the CTX rotation. One thing I like to do, and have stated this before is do the exact same tapes in the exact same order for at least 4 weeks (S&H is the exception as I only do that one for 3 weeks.) This allows you to a.) see what is working and what isn't. If you change tapes every week, how will know which ones are bringing you which results? I also love setting goals for myself every week. If I do Step Works every Tuesday and mess up on the choreography in section 2 during week 1, then I know to really concentrate on that part next week. By the 4th week, the tape is a breeze so I can concentrate on intensity instead of footwork. It is also nice to start out modifying Imax during the first week of the PS rotation. Just watch - by the 8th week, you'll be making your intervals longer, jumping higher, and lunging deeper! Well, I hope I didn't scare you off with all this info!