Rotation needed to help win a Fitness Challenge


My gym is sponsoring a fitness challenge that ends April 14th. The winners are assessed in 4 categories:

-reduce body fat 10%, determined by a hand-held contraption
-increase strength 10%, determined by the amount of on-the-toes pushups done in one minute
-increase cardiovascular endurance 10%, determined by heart rate after a 3-minute cardio test (stepping up & down on a step)
-10" increase/decrease in total measurements, determined by circumference testing, as well as before & after photos

A female and male winner will be chosen (about 45 people are entered) and the winners get $2000. (My goal is to get in to my best shape possible by Spring!

The contest started last month, and so far my rotation is:

day one: 55 minute cardio (elliptical or "cross country walk")
day two: GS Back/Shoulders/Biceps; sometimes 30 min cardio
day three: 55 minute cardio, abs
day four: GS Chest/Triceps, sometimes 30 min cardio
day five: 55 minute cardio, abs
day six: rest
day seven: Muscle Max

This is subject to change a little due to: small kids not sleeping through the night, busy shuttling kids to & fro, part-time work; but so far, it's been fairly consistent.

My challenge: I pulled my achilles tendon in the fall, so I've been sticking solely to elliptical and walking (I bend my knees and lunge/walk, almost like doing walking lunges quickly - really gets my heart rate up). I'm staying away from steps videos and Imaxes, which I really miss. I could stand to lose 15 pounds, but have been trying to keep my focus more toward the fitness aspect right now. I do eat clean 90% so I've lost a few pounds since starting.

I also have, but not sure how to incorporate:
KPC + legs & glutes
kick max
GS legs
boot camp + ME

Any help getting me to the next level would be appreciated!!!
:) x(

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