rotation ME and PUB


Could someone help me w/this Would it be alright to rotate Muscle Endurance w/ PUB say do ME- Monday, Wed and Friday and PUB on Tuesday and Thursdays of corse do cardio w/ them either cathe tape or treadmill
Thanks for your help
Hi Lisa,

The sounds like an awful lot of work for the upper body! Cathe has always said that you should wait 48 hours before doing a body part or quadrant again. And is there a reason why you are not including lower body training (injury? pain?)

Here's my suggestion. You could do one of two things. Option one: ME on Monday with moderate to light weight, PUB on Tuesday with moderate to heavy weight, pure cardio or cardio with lower body on Wednesday, PUB with moderate to heavy wieght on Thursday, ME on Friday with moderate to light weight. Option two: PUB on Monday, Cardio on Tuesday, ME on Wednesday, Cardio on Thursday, PLB on Friday.

I'm just concerned that that much upper body could result in overuse injury.

Just my two cents.
Hi sabine
Thanks for your reply I think the Me tape has quite a bit of lower body work Then I treadmill at an incline too so get a good lower body there But your right I could add Lower body pyramid or leaner legs. It just seems like I do better with upper body work if I do it everyday just stay in the habit I thought if they were 2 diff types of training it would be ok I definitely would not be able to do heavy 2 days in a row ME seems faster paced so I use lighter weights
Thanks for your suggestions!
Hi Lisa, what i do is on Monday I do PUB, Tuesday cardio, Wed. PLB, Thursday Imax 2, Friday ME, and Saturday Cardio. Then some weeks I will do the premix of PUB & PLB on Monday, Tuesday cardio, Wed. off, Thursday Cardio, Friday ME, Saturday cardio and Sunday off. As you can see some weeks I work out 5 days and other 6 days but If I work out 5 I always do 2 total body workout. And the cardio I just mixed them up like kickboxing, stepping, hi/lo, Interval step and running this way I am doing cross-training so I don't get injured or bored.
Hi Barabra
Thanks for the suggestion that sounds good too. There are so many options.Today is wednesday and after doing two weights days ME Monday and PUB Tuesday I did Interval max 1 and that is it I may do legs later if time but defintitely the upper body needs abreak but it feels a good sore I work tonite so I do not have as much time today which is fine I Love hearing all the suggestions
Thanks Lisa

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