Rotation help


I was wondering if I could get some opinions on this idea I've been tossing around in my head....

I was thinking about doing a rotation that looked something like this:
Cardio for 45 to 60 min. Mon-Sat, rest Sun
Then followed up by doing Muscle Max, Pilates and Yoga alternating like so...
T- Yoga
W- Pilates
Th- MM
F- Pilates
S- Yoga

I as wondering if this would be an effective way to lose weight, but also build muscle.

Any thoughts?

Thank you,

to build muscle you might want to cut back a little on the cardio maybe 20-30 mins. 3-4 times a week and to lean out adapt a clean eating lifestyle and go moderate/heavy on the weights. i am not sure of your fitness level and what your genetics are so i can't say you will defiently lose weight with this rotation but it seems like a good one.


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