Rotation Help


Active Member
Hey Cathe,

I just have to say I love ya!!! I really don't know where I would be without your videos. They are such excellent quality and you are the only person I know that can get me up at 530am with a smile on my face!! With so much going on in life it is great that I can get a quality workout in at home with minimal equipment!

Anyway, I wanted a little advice. I workout at 6am and have about 75 minutes to workout. I am not overweight probably like 135 (i have no idea since I don't weigh myself) and 5'6. I want to be as lean as possible for the summer (going to Jamaica at the end of May and my 30th bday in July). What kind of a rotation would you suggest? I usually am good at doing rotations but kinda out of ideas. THANKS!!!!

Well first off if I were you I'd find what size I'd like to be, or something close to that so you have a goal to work for, at least a rough estimate. Like I want to lose 3 inches in my tummy and make it flat. But here is a rotation to get you started.

2 days of intervals done seperately and must have 3 days inbetween interval workouts. Don't

Normal cardio anything that doesn't have intervals in it.

You can either do this 1 once or 2 a week, or combine with weight training to give a good total body workout.

Sculpting toning

Upper and lower body, can either be worked together or seperate, or you can work specific muscle groups. If you do both upper and lower on the same day it should be done twice a week, 3 times is the absolute max and only if your body has competely recovered, if it hasn't stick to two.

If you decide to split it up or do spedific msucles, you can compine it with your normal cardio, just make sure not to do the same muscle group with in 48 hours of each other.

The only exception to that rule is the stomach. Your core can be worked 4 or 5 times a week and it won't over train or over stress. Unless you really over do it.

Stretching is an absolute must if you want the long lean look, and have that walking on air graceful stride look to your body, and movements. As well as being more flexiable is healthy and allows you to catch yourself better in a fall. And is very good for the joints and liguments who usually get ignored or abused by the other types of workouts.

The rotation I like:

Mon Intervals
Tues Upper body and cardio
Wed Lower body and cardio
Thurs Stretching
Fri Intervals
Sat Total body sculpting
Sun - rest day, (usually a nice walk or stretching, or something easy going, if it's warm maybe even some light cardio and muscle toning in the pool.)

That should be a pretty good body toning as well as increasing your endurance and getting your heart pumping. You can of course switch the days around to where they fit your schedule, if you find that Sunday isn't a good day for a rest day. Also watch your diet and make sure your getting everything you need, you may not need to lose weight, but you stil have got to have a good diet, for your body to tone and sculpt to get the look you want.

Also you want to do the GS or the PS series with body toning. Just drop one of the Interval days, and add what ever other workout from those that you haven't did this that week, and then add in a round of cardio.

I hope that helps.


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