In the beginning I don't know what kept me motivated, I was just so determined. I started in May and don't have much memory of the summer, just worked a ft job and the evening stayed home to work out. I think everyone started to notice in the Fall. I wasn't satisfied, but was noticing myself in my w/o gear looking trimmer and my sizes kept going down. That encoraged me. At first I was doing more Firm videos and Reebok step and midway I heard about Cathe and that gave me a harder workout which at the time I was ready for. I now I do mainly Cathe tapes and mix some Firm's in there. But I like to work each muscle group hard until exhaust which Cathe does, Firm is more weights (mixing the muscle groups up) and aerobic which is good for a change on a light day. My favorate tapes (and I still like very much)are Firm Lower Body Sculpting and Upper Body Parts. I started with walking on the tread mill (not to hurt my ankles) and when I lost my first 20 or so I started to jog/walk and went from there. I love to do step and kickboxing now and love Cathe's challenging w/o's like the Power Series and Slow and Heavy and BodyMax and Power Hour. I think the weight work really sculpted my body and when I started too see the fat come off underneith were these toned muscles. I couldn't believe it. So in the beginning when you think nothing's happening, it is just keep going and before you know it... I made sure I did 1 hr cardio 6 x wk and weights 3-4 x wk. Abs 6 x wk, but just for 5 min. Now my upper abs are cut and lower needs more work, which will come off with cardio and low fat diet. That was the other main thing. Lots of water and I saw a nutritionist. She put me on a low fat diet. Not no fat, just very low. I wanted a program just for me so I could sinch this thing. That made a major difference as far as consistancy. Each week I lost 2.5 lbs until the last few months. It's going slower now. I've loosened up on my diet, more cal's but still low fat. I may go back to my program again to get the rest off. but now everyone can't believe it's me and that keeps me motivated to keep going. I am going to look into getting certified to become a personal trainer. I love fitness, read, sleep and eat fitness stuff. Can't get enough. Keep telling yourself how much you love it, do things you enjoy the most (oh, I started roller blading, hiking, etc.) and stay on these kinds of forums for support. It really helps me. That's my story, and my humble opinion.
You can do it!!! Never think you can't. ;-)
PS the one thing I thought I'd never change, my large calves. Well in all my fitness magazines the models have similar legs, I'm starting not to hate them so much. They are very muscular,and I lost some fat and have very little fat to go in that area. Still want to thin it a bit more. Lot's of calf raisers and (Cathe's Leaner Legs helped)