Rotation for Hard Core Series


Just a quick question on Rotation for HardCore Series:

I have the Intensity Series, and also Body Blast series and have been doing rotations with both of these series combined for the last 2 months.

I think it's time to switch things up a bit SO: Next week I am going to purchase Bodymax 2 and also Imax3 and I will almost have the entire Hard Core Series ( minus Core Max ) in my Cathe Library.

Are there any older threads for rotations on the Hardcore Series that I could dig out, OR does anyone out there have any good ideas on how to rotate these ? After doing the DVD's for a while, I can usually come up with a good roatation my self, but I have not done Imax3 or Bodymax2 yet and want a good rotation to start with right away. I know I'll love them because I am obsessed with Low-Max & Kick Max. Somtimes I would sub KickMax for KPC in my Body Blast rotations ( those blasts are killer ! )

Any advice is always greatly appreciated !

Thank all !!

Hi Linda !

Thank you for your reply ! I did find an older post regarding some Hardcore roations, but this also helps a lot. Just wanted to get as many ideas as I can.

I've been doing Intensity/Body Blast for a while, before that was 4DS and now I want to go back and re-challenge with Hardcore so this helps a ton !!

Hopefully by Fall I can dive into the Shock Cardio series,,,,,,,first, gotta save, save , save $$$$ .

Thanks again !

Great Morgs,

looks like a plan! I've got Pure Strength, Cardio Hits, & CTX on tap for August & September, then some more kickboxing, can't wait to do those MMAs, but alas, do not own those yet....working my way through the specials from last month.

Going to look into the book you mentioned in the post about diets, thanks!

I forgot about Cardio Hits ! Gonna put that one on my list too. Thanks for the reminder. There are actually two books that I had mentioned.

One was the 'Eat Right for Your Type' and the other, ( my Favorite ) Eat Clean Diet -Recharged. by Tosca Reno. I have the first one, but like the 'Recharged' better because it has more recipes.

Hope you like it , and thanks again for the rotations. !

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