rotating with PS series



I have just purchased your PS series and am wondering about the effectiveness of rotating the three tapes with Firm workouts? I am concerned about overtraining. My main goal is weight loss-I am trying to shed pregnancy weight but seemed to have reached a plateau. I'd like to jump start the muscle definition and was hoping the variety would help with that. Any comments would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Jacklyn!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-13-00 AT 02:12PM (EST)</font></center>

Since you are just starting with the PS Series, I would recommend using only those tapes for the first 8 to 12 weeks. Reason being that you will always see the most dramatic results the first time you ever use a new rotation. Therefore, I recommend letting your body fully benefit from the newness of the PS challenge. When your body gets more familiar with this workout and you feel the need to shake things up a bit, then I would say that you would be okay alternating with your other workouts for variety. I'm not familiar with the contents of your Firm tapes and therefore, can not comment on them. But, in my opinion, I would say that doing EACH body part more than two times per week is unnecessary and working it more than three times per week is overtraining. Knowing that, you will best benefit by putting together the right combination of these tapes to keep you from overtraining.

Enjoy your workouts and congratulations on the birth of your baby

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