>WOW! i love love her so so much ....come on if no one will
>say anything about our government and president then who will?
>This is fun...(lol) so much anger (jk). I don't think that she
>does it to make people mad, more to make them aware.
She doesn't anger me. I really don't care what she says or thinks. I don't have time for her view or Elizabeth's or Barbara's or Joy's or whoever else is on that show for that matter. It's an entertainment show first and foremost.
And why
>do ppl get so mad when the TRUTH is told
On the flip side, there are many people who think the same thing about Bill O'Reilly or any other moderate or conservative voice in the media.
Maybe It's cause im
>young and liberal, i don't know. But What she says make sense
>to me and what I've ssen on the news. You would think that
>because rosie is older she would be the more conservative and
>elizabeth being younger would have a opened mind about things,
>but then again rosie is gay and not to say that all gay people
>think like her (i am also gay) but i guess she has always been
>very vocal on issuse from sexuality and politics...I seem to
>get into a lot of debates about this with my friends. Not just
>rosie but politics in general....
I don't think it's so much age related as it is with how one views the world. But, who am I... only one middle-aged woman who still has a lot of maturing to do.
anyway how do you guys feel
>about "Mrs. Clinton" running!
I kinda hope Mrs. Clinton runs. Not that I'll vote for her though. ;-)
Right back at ya!!!