Rock it?


Do any of you have a Rock it by Soloflex? The price is steep, so I figured I asked you all about it. I had a really bad car accident many years ago (fresh out of college) and lost my left knee cap...squats and lunges are extremely hard for me to do, and my legs need mayor work. I was thinking of purchasing one, or the BTR...Prices are very different on both though...


new mom..exercise maniac wannabee
I have a Rockit, and haven't used it as much as I had planned to. Not because there is anything wrong with it, but just because I'm lazy and want to work out to a video. I also tend to not like workout machines of any kind. Nonetheless, I have started incorporating it into my lower body workouts with Cathe strength tapes. Last time I used it, I got in a nice set of 150#, 170# and 190# squats, though the movement seems like a cross between a squat (the specific motion) and a leg press (the supported aspect of it). I would never be able to lift this heavy at home without a spotter.

If you are thinking of getting one, I suggest requesting the free video and info. Then wait for a month or so, when they will start sending you "special offers". When I bought mine, it was through a special offer that included free shipping.
The BTR and RockIt are very similar(not in price though)! You put weight plates on the Rockit! If I were you I would go to a sporting goods store and try the bun and thigh rocker first, or maybe someone near you on the forum could lend it to you to see if this particular motion is what you are looking for! If you like the way your knees feel after this and are willing to spend more money for the Rockit, I'd call the company up and see if they sell refurbished ones (you can get good deals this way)IMHO the BTR is a very sturdy piece of equipment(wise investment), that serves it's purpose of lowerbody sculpting!HTH;)
Thanks for the info. The stores here in Puerto Rico do not carry the BTR, but I have been reading all of the threads for it. I will call Soloflex and ask about the refurbished ones, and if in two months I am still thinking about the BTR or Rock it...maybe I will buy one. I tendo to be compulsive about gadgets for exercise then they become dust catchers!!

new mom..exercise maniac wannabee
>You put weight plates on the Rockit!

While you can, you don't HAVE to. There is an area for weight bands on the back (like the bun and thigh rocker), with the option of adding weight plates on the front. You get a total of about 325# worth of bands (4 50#, some 25#, some 10# and 2 5#) as well as 30# of weight plates (two 10# and 25#--really nice rubber-coated plates). According to the literature, the Rockit will take up to 900#--weight of the user included. I'm nowhere near that (in the weight I use, or, thank heavens!, in my own weight!)
Your welcome! Good luck on your decision! I just wanted to ad , I understand the curiousity of new products that are out, being skeptical about the results or is it worth the investment(been there)try not to think as this BTR purchase(or future fitness purchases) as a gadget but as a necessary piece of equipment for the lowerbody taking into consideration your knee restrictions and also a "motivating" tool to get you going and compliment your current fitness program while helping you to achieve your specific goals! There is no such thing as a quick fix or magic pills( if it looks too good to be true then it most likely that-WORTHLESS!) No matter what you buy you will ALWAYS have to put effort into it! You get what you put into it! Your results will depend on your personal commitment , level of focus and intensity, and your consistency of using your equipment! So how bad do you "need" this for your lowerbody;) Decisions, decisions;) Good luck to you!

Thanks for the kind words and motivation. You are right, sometimes I buy stuff and expect it to work without making any real effort. Therefore, I fail. After giving birth (my son is almost 3 yo) I have not been able to get back into shape. First, I blamed my div, then stress, then work, I am running out of excuses...I am now determined that this year I will lose the 30 lbs. I have gained. I hate how I look and feel, and specially being over the big 40 and having my first baby at 40 makes it harder on the body. Anyway, thanks a lot for the advice!!! If I buy the Rock it or the BTR I will let you know. This weekend I will be previewing the new DVD's...they arrived on Tuesday... I am really excited...even though I know they are too advanced for me right now.

Happy Valentine!!!!

new mom..exercise maniac wannabee:7
How much space does it take? Is it really heavy? Do you think a short person like me (5 feet) can make good use of it? Was it complicated to put together?

I requested a video yesterday, cant wait to see it...

new mom..exercise maniac wannabee

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