Rock Bottoms 6/26


Morning Ladies,

Last week of the rotation for me. Today will be a 3 mile run, PS Back, Biceps & Abs, BBW. I have noticed definition in my legs. My inner thigh has more definition, and my butt has improved also. So I think the BBW part of the workouts has helped a great deal. But I'm not going to be doing PUB Stability ball for a while after this rotation is over. }(

Saturday I golfed for the first time this year (I only got 9 holes in last year). Amazingly the break from golf seems to have eliminated my bad habits and kept my good ones. I sunk a 30 foot putt and successfully hit my driver (for the first time in my life). After managing to get 150 yards and 157 yards with my driver, I figured I had to try my 3 iron (which was collecting dust)...I successfully hit it too. I was on fire. I had at least 7 single putts. It was unreal.
Yesterday I did Kari Anderson's reach for my flexibility/rest day.
Today I did IMAX3 and a total of 40 minutes of biking.
I've noticed my shorts are looser and there is definite definition in the back of my legs (hamstrings and gluts). I will confess that eating super clean has not really been part of the rotation for me. I have been eating fairly healthily...daily icecream though.
The DVD for PUB/PLB arrived today so no more excuses...I'll have to start adding the abs part to my BBW (it seemed too much of a nuisance with the VHS tape).
Have a great day!
Hmmmmm......I posted but don't know where it went!!!
I checked the other days & my posts aren't always there??? Where am I going?!:-(
Ok I'll try again.;-)

Hi Everyone~

Laurie~The first time I did PLB I used 5# Ankle Weights and almost fell over when Cathe said they were using 2.5# weights. Sure made me feel a whole lot better!:)

Alhambra~I can't even get a good score at Minature Golf!:) I'd never make it in "real" golf!

Today was GS/BSB & CM#1. I skipped BBW until later in the week as I was feeling achy, very tired, and chilled yesterday. Thought maybe I was needing another rest day.

Hope you have a great evening!

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