Rock Bottoms 6/21


Morning Ladies,

Today is a 4 mile run, Seg 1 of Coremax, and BBW. I'm suppose to have a softball game tonight also. We will see, the T-Storms we are having right now are suppose to last all day on and off.

Have a great day!

Hi Laurie,

I'll be hanging with the rotation but not working out until late afternoon. I think today is CM and BBW, but I've mixed things up and have to include KPC today.

Will check in later.:)
Hi Laurie and Melody

Today was substitution day. After doing all of BodyMax earlier this week, I chose to do Supersets Upperbody as a substitute for BodyMax upper body. I did Push/Pull lowerbody as a substitute for BBW and then I went for a 40 minute swim with my son. Yesterday I did CoreMax so I gave my abs a break today.
Tonight my kids have soccer. They are so cute. My son's team (5 year olds) rushes around in a big group (forget playing positions) and both teams need to be prompted to aim for the correct net. My daughter's team (6 year olds) are hilarious to watch as they collide, wipe out and bounce up like they're made out of rubber. At least once a game a goalie gets stuck in the net. Both kids sleep well after soccer.
Hi Everyone~
Today was KPC for me--this week is all mixed up! I had such a hard time today...really huffin' and puffin'. I'm thinking it might be from doing S&H this week, not sure. I'm not sore & don't feel tired....but very hungry. ;-)

Ahlhambra~I have two nephews that play and it is sooooo much fun to watch them! :-D

Have a great evening!

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