roadtrippers--new advanced Cathes?


Hi to everyone who went on the roadtrip... I read on VF that Cathe told someone that she might do one advanced workout this fall, but not a series. Did anyone else hear that from Cathe?

No, set plans.! It's just something she was tossing around in her head. Nothing is set. All we really know is that it would sometime in the fall.
Cathe came on the bus Saturday night while we were waiting for everyone to get on. There were only about 10 of us on at the time and she let us pepper her with questions for around 10 minutes. Of course that was the main question. She said she would be taking August off to regenerate with her family and then was ready to start filming in the fall after that. She said it wouldn't be yoga, but that it would be advanced. We started throwing out ideas like Step Blast II, CTX II, etc.

Maybe we'll all have something to put on our holiday wish list...
Thank you, Wendy! I was just about to ask this question myself- I've been wondering. Great minds think alike, eh? hehe

Thanks, also, to the Roadtrippers who answered! It's so cool that you got to have a conversation with Cathe about new workouts! I have to say that I'm surprised she doesn't plan them out further in advanced. She is one awesome lady to put together such amazing workouts in short amounts of time!! Wow!! Cathe just continues to amaze and challenge me.... :)

I woke up this morning with this same question burning in my head...glad others are looking forward to more Cathe torture! }(

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