Risers for STS


Cathe or Chris:

How many traditional risers will be needed for STS? I notice that y’all have 4 under each side of the step in the blog pictures. I am hoping to order slanted risers in the next month or so and want to order these at the same time if I need more. I currently have 6 risers.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
The slanted risers use 4 regular risers on one side, topped by the slanted riser, and just the slanted riser on the other. I only saw photos of three on each side; I don't think I saw a photo of four on each side. Hope SNM can answer for you, but wanted to let you know the setup for the slanted risers.
RE: Risers for STS in the Blog

I guess I just assumed it was easier for them to sit and discuss with 4 risers or something; I had never noticed them. :p Now I see why you thought that!!

I have done only the "cardio" segment of the DVD that came with the incline risers... which doesn't feel like cardio compared to Cathe! :p ("Up, up, down, down, now this next one is what we call a "repeater"...") I look forward to doing some of the core work they have on the DVD but I imagine I'll need to double some of them or get creative to feel the core work on that DVD. (It seems beginner/intermediate because the purpose of the DVD is basically to show people what they can do with the new equipment SPRI has put out, not get your heart pumping.)

Just waiting for Ms. Friedrich, I guess, to really challenge me with the incline risers. I did a workout where we used the ball for chest flies so I haven't had a need to try them with anything else. HTH!

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