Ripped with Hiit or X-Train


Hi Ladies and Gentlemen,
After I finish this round of body beast I plan on doing another but in between that I am thinking of purchasing Ripped with Hiit or X-Train. I could definitely stand to lose some bodyfat and I know that's more diet but I also know some weight training programs can help that along. For the ladies 40 and over who tried both of these programs or one or the other please give me your thoughts on which one helped you the most? If your not over 40 you can still comment, it's just that since hitting a particular age my body definitely responds better to certain types of exercise and right now heavy lifting definitely helps.
I would say get Xtrain. I have both. For me, age 47, although I don't know if this is a contributing factor, I did not like doing an all rwh rotation week after week. I felt like my body needed other workouts in between. The cardio in xtrain are tough and fun and the weights are too. Also, it came with a printed users guide.
I only have XTrain. I'm 56 and did the 90-day rotation last year. I made great strength and endurance gains and it helped me lose 13 pounds. It really helped me challenge myself, and I was happy with the results. I slacked off around the holidays, but I'm planning on doing it again or the combination ICE/XTrain rotation after I finish Cathe's January ICE rotation.
I really leaned out with RWH. It is an uber tough program, and I modify some of the moves, but it really delivers! Any chance you can get both?

I love XTrain and yes the program is exceptionally well done and comprehensive. The endurance and strength you build as dawn3333 indicated, as well as, losing weight, are wonderful achievable goals. So I agree with all the above Cathletes who voted for XTrain. I also trained with RWH when it came out last year and that was the topping to the cake. I leaned out within the one month rotation yet my weight remained the same (I was maintaining my weight from that point), especially in the midsection. My legs were stronger, yet nicely defined not bulky and or masculine. I must concur it is geared towards the seasoned and more advanced Cathlete but that's something to work towards in achieving your goals.

I hope you try both series. Possibly start with XTrain then venture into RWH. Good luck with your goals.
ITA with @FireLight and everyone else re XTrain if this is an either/or decision for you. XTrain has a nice variety of workouts that will help you achieve your goals. Lots of options with that series. RwH is killer, which is fine when you want that, but I don't think I could do those workouts as frequently as I could do those from XTrain. In fact, I hadn't done anything from RwH for a while, so this week I decided to do both of the UB strength routines and man oh man, my arms are FRIED. Of course I love that feeling :D, but don't think I could or would want to sustain that level of activity each and every week. For the record, I'm a good bit older than you. ;)
ITA with @FireLight and everyone else re XTrain if this is an either/or decision for you. XTrain has a nice variety of workouts that will help you achieve your goals. Lots of options with that series. RwH is killer, which is fine when you want that, but I don't think I could do those workouts as frequently as I could do those from XTrain. In fact, I hadn't done anything from RwH for a while, so this week I decided to do both of the UB strength routines and man oh man, my arms are FRIED. Of course I love that feeling :D, but don't think I could or would want to sustain that level of activity each and every week. For the record, I'm a good bit older than you. ;)
So it's looking like the workout system I may use and come back to more often is probably X-Train and I could add in my own Hiit workouts when I need them.
I am 49. I have both and love both! I agree with what everyone else is saying - that XTrain will give you what you are looking for with variety, lots of options, and being able to do the program more often than RWH. RWH is intense and you may not want that as often. I get great results from both. RWH did get me leaner and seemed to be the difference in finally making a difference in my legs, but the rotation was extreme.
Another vote for Xtrain. I have both and love them both but it's Xtrain I've turned to after Christmas for trying to lose that extra flab. I like to mix in different cardio with it, but the weight work can't be beaten, especially if you do keep a record like she suggests and try to up your weights gradually.
I've already leaned out in three weeks, doing two weeks of the UB and a week of the Burn Sets discs.
I love RWH but I need to feel on top of my game to do it!
(I'm 49 by the way.)
I only have part of Xtrain and have the whole RWH program, I love RWH, but as others have mentioned it's very intense.. Very heavy on the plyos, so you have to consider that. She aslo has a low impact dvd in that set, but most of the workouts are heavy on the plyos. I agree with others about doing Xtrain first and maybe rotating some of RWH in with it or doing it after. I am going on 52, have some injuries that I deal with but love them both!!
I'm 45 (almost 46) and love both RWH and XTrain. I have never done a full rotation entirely of either. I think both are great. I love high intensity workouts and like to do a lot of plyo and Hiit style workouts, so I find myself reaching for the RWH DVDs a lot. If you can get both go for it. If not, I'd agree that XTrain probably is the better investment.

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