Rhytmic Step


Rhytmic Step is so fun and I always get such a great work out. One of my favorite moves is the triple step around the step. I do it now in some of the older video's like step fit, when you go around the step 8 counts. I also love the active warm ups in the newer video's.
My favorite move is the reapeter knee, kick, heel with a straddle insole and step up onto the step facing the front immediately dropping into the squat. Hmm...maybe that is several moves! Jeanne
That's my mess-up move. I have to put the VCR on slow motion to get it down.
I had to watch it a few times before I got it. Maybe thats why I like it so much. FOr me, the more choreographed the better. (Not that I don't have those days when I like something strong, simple and to the point. ON those days I often fo Reebok...)

Funny--my mess up move would have to be the triple steps turning going around the step (the other posters favorite!). Every now and again I just get on the wrong foot.

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