Rhythmic Step - my new favorite step video!


I did RS yesterday. I was DREADING it because I have never really liked it. I could never get the choreography and didn't think it was intense enough. Well.... now that I'm a bit better at choreo, I really got into it and my HR was in the 140s the majority of the time. I haven't tried RS in about a year but I'm so glad I tried again and didn't sell it! Now, it's like having a brand new video to enjoy! :D
Hi Laura...I'm so glad you're enjoying RS!!! Me too!! I got Rhytmic Step about a month ago...and I CANNOT stop doing it..haha. I make a different rotation for myself every week and I find myself crossing out whatever cardio I had planned and have to put RS in. It does take a little getting used to some of it, but once it all clicks in it is just pure fun, isn't it!!!
I just got RS too. I did it for the first time the other day and I just loved it. I may do it again tonight. I wasn't even too bad on the choreo!
Glad you didn't get rid of it, Laura. It took me FOREVER to learn RS. I think its choreography has been the hardest one of all for me. (Second is Imax 3.) But it's been worth all the many trials and errors.:)

Laura I am so totally with you--it literally took me like 2 years to get all the choreography down, but now that I know it I am addicted! I do this workout once every week or two now, it's so much fun!
I'll be able to join this crowd, today. I get it from the UPS guy in like 5 hours........(I'm not stalking him.....}( )
I also love this workout. I didn't love it at first because my heart rate wasn't staying elevated because of the choreography challenge, but not that I know I love it and it is defintely steady state cardio. It is one of my faves now.

I also love this workout. I didn't love it at first because my heart rate wasn't staying elevated because of the choreography challenge, but not that I know I love it and it is defintely steady state cardio. It is one of my faves now.

Yeah, I love this workout as well. In fact, I even did it 2 days in a row last week because it was so fun and I've never done that with any workout.
I can't wait for my sister to visit next week so we can do it together. There's nothing like doing a workout you love with someone who loves it also!
I love this workout, too. I can't do it too often, though, because when I do it all the way through, my left big toe hurts for a week or two, and I can't do much cardio. I think it's because I broke that toe when I was a kid and it never healed up right...RS seems to put pressure on the toes for me and this causes my left big toe to hurt. But, I can do this as a partial workout without any trouble...so I have to cut it up when I do it.

My favorite rotation is the last one, though, so it sucks that I can't do it all the way through.
I just reacquired this DVD (I'd gotten rid of it about 3 years ago, before I figured out how I can modify some Cathe moves to reduce the risk of knee problems--torque has always bothered me) and did RS yesterday. I hadn't done it for quite a while, and not very often at that, but it's so well cued it was pretty easy to follow (though for some reason I kept missing the "triples around the step" move--probably because I modify the move just before it and have to link those transitions together better).

It's a really fun workout, IMO. I like the music, too. My favorite move is the drop squat, pendulum, drop squat, shuffle across the step.
Hi Kathryn,

I keep missing the triples around the step too. I think I'm trying to add too many turns or something. And I LOVE the drop squat-pendulum-drop squat-shuffles too!! I actually smile while I'm doing that move...it's so much fun. And the music in the best and really motivates you to keep going.

So glad you have been able to modify it and are having fun with it!! Have a great day:)
Me too!!!! I think it's because there are more triples at one time than all the other video's I have. I got it just Friday and have already tried it twice. I love it too!
Hi Christi...I think you are right about there being more triples than in other videos. And it's also something about the previous and following combinations. I'm sure I'm making it more difficult than it needs to be. I know I'm trying to add something somewhere that doesn't fit. And I'm so busy turning and twirling, I really don't see what Cathe are crew are doing. It's really hysterical to watch me do it...like a Lucille Ball skit...haha. I'll have to just take the time to watch it without doing it. But it's just so much fun!!
So glad you got RS and are enjoying it!!
Laura, I'd have to say that RS is my all-time favorite long Cathe step tape. I just did it on Friday and it brings a big grin to my face every time. There's something about the music that's perfect for the combos and the transitions, and it's full of moves I just love (triples around the board, lunges off the board, power horse, mambo cha-chas... the list is LONG!) :)

It took me a long time to master RS, too, and I remember getting stuck at the point where I had all three combos but could NOT for the life of me get the "challenge" done without mistakes. Finally I set the tape aside for a while, and the very first time I came back to it several weeks later I sailed right through the challenge. Go figure -- there must be something like "mental tennis" at work!! ;-)

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-001.gif
Oh yeah, I love RS! I too make mistakes, but I find if I listen to her instead of trying to memorize the routine I do better. That front side kick gets me and I over anticipate it. I finally got the turn down right before the drop squat pendulum/ drop squat cha cha (I ended up on the opposite side before).

The triples - another post called them Tripping around the board - that's more me, but I have a fun time tripping!!
Me too! I was doing the Fittv version for months. I loved it from the 1st time I did it.
I finally broke down and bought the DVD last week w/ the presale and I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo glad I did! It is so much fun! :7:7
Yes those drop squat pendulums are great! And the challenge! Can't say enough about this workout.
I was doing it Saturday night and DH even said "you must really like that one, you looked like you were having a ball".
Next on my list is SB/SJP.

This is the one I do least. Definitely not my fave! I don't know exactly what I don't like about it. I guess I just find it a little boring. Again, I seem to have different tastes than most on here.
Kali - that's next on my list, too. I was thinking I'm pretty happy with my selection, then that one jumped out. So, my next commission check...

And I love the drop squat pendulums, and that step hop hop. Once you get them down, you feel so cool doing them! (Okay, I know I look like a fool - I can see myself in the patio doors at 5:30AM, but I FEEL cool!).

Fab - that's what makes us all so interesting - we don't all have the same tastes. If you notice, we seem to be more surprised when some likes what we do, then when they don't. I like to way Robert Fulgrahm (All I need to know I learned in Kindergarten) said it - he said that when someone doesn't agree with he is less inclined to ask why, and more incline to state, "You see it that way? Wow!"

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