Rhythmic Step - harder than it looks


I just received RS a few weeks ago. The first couple times I did it - it didn't seem very hard and I really didn't sweat much. Well, i just finished again today and it kicked my butt, there was sweat flying everywhere. I realized that the first few times I wasn't familiar with the moves and couldn't give my 110%, but now that I have done it a few times it's really a good calorie burner for me.

Just goes to show you that you need to get familiar with a workout first and then it'll start to work it's magic.

Marcia. :)
Hi Marcia, I think I did it 1 time and it was hard I guess because it is more dancy. Maybe I'll will have to try this a few times to get it and give it my 110% LOL. Now I want to try RS again:p
RS is one of my favorites; I love the moves and the time sails by. It also sneaks up on me because the sections get progressively harder. It seems to work my endurance.

I love RS! Right now it's my favorite step only video. I also love having it on DVD. When I have lots of energy and want to have a longer aerobic session I do the challenge an extra time or two. I just love the rhythm and choreography! I've also been doing this about once a week lately. I know this sounds silly, but I always feel happy after I complete this workout - it puts me in a really good mood! (I guess generally I'm happy after I complete ANY workout! :) )
I'm in the process of learning RS. I've had it for a long time but the choreo always intimidated me. I'm now tacking it onto a weight workout. I do weights first, then I pop in RS and practice a section for about 15 min. I do it over and over again until I learn it, then move onto the next section. It took me a week to get the warmup! At the rate I'm going I should have the whole workout down pat by the end of the year! But, it's a lot of fun!
Hi Marcia,
I have been on the fence about getting RS, but your post sort of opened my eyes. I love Cathes's videos and own about 30 of them.I did preorder the Body Blast Series (can't wait) but I think I will go ahead and order RS.

This is my favorite all-step video. I just did it this week. I"m never bored with it & the challenge is fun too. It gets better with time. I bought it when it was a new release. ;)

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Well I found it plenty challenging the first time I did it, and the second and the third etc. and I haven't even mastered the challenge section yet.

This is so funny! When I first got this tape (when it first came out), after doing it, I had decided that this was the first Cathe tape that I was going to trade. I hated it, and I love Cathe and her tapes. After hearing rave reviews about it at another board, I decided to give it another chance (well, 3-4 other chances!).
I don't know, but something finally clicked - I finally "got" the routine, the challenge at the end and all the tricky steps. Now that I know what I'm doing and can give it my all, it's really a hard step tape. I do use 2 step levels (unlike Cathe who only uses one), so that may account for some of the hard factor here. It's really a good workout and it's definitely harder than you'd think. I am so glad that I didn't trade it after all!! :7
Does anyone else despise the "Challenge" section at the end??? I just really feel that she goes through the whole routine two too many times. I think doing it twice would be sufficient - not FOUR times!! Sometimes I only do it two times and then FF the tape to the almost non-existent cooldown. I think she should have had us do two times of the challenge, then use the rest of that time for more of a cooldown. I don't like how it goes right into the stretch.
I have trouble keeping my focus during the second section and in that part of the challenge. I just find the middle section a bit boring -- those over with a clap moves grate on my last nerve there are just waaaay too many for such a simple move. I've come to think that I like a little more interesting choreography because when I have to concentrate on what I'm doing, time flies and I get that "in the zone" feeling. That said, I always feel great and work up a serious sweat when I do RS. In fact, it's the tape I usually choose when I've been careless with my eating and need to jumpstart my progress.

That's funny Carole, the second section is my favorite! Shows how different people are I guess. This is my favorite Cathe tape right now, I just love the choreography and how relaxed Cathe seems. Has anyone else noticed how much more of her personality seems to be coming out in her newer videos?
Can't wait for the new Body Blast series, maybe I'll have a new favorite!
I have to agree I love the second section, I hate the jump kicks of th third though!!!1

I love the length of the challenge section, after all, we've spent all that time already going through the moves, I just love to put them all together at the end and really go fo it, uses up aLL MY LAST ENERGY RESERVES.

>I have to agree I love the second section, I hate the jump
>kicks of th third though!!!1
>I love the length of the challenge section, after all, we've
>spent all that time already going through the moves, I just
>love to put them all together at the end and really go fo it,

I'm cracking up because I love the jump kicks. I always feel so cool (like the tap hop repeater) when I do them. The fun factor helps me get through and hang in for the challenge. It's the same reason I like IMAX 2 -- just plain fun! Come on now, everyone confess: we all get juiced when the Pina Colada song comes on.

I was so glad to see all these opinions on RS. I am planning to order this, and I am looking for choreography and a tough workout. Step is my first choice, and I want it to be advanced. So thanks for the postings, they have convinced me to order.

Steppin Nana
RS DVD sat rotting on my shelf until a few months back. When I purchased it first, I tried it and found the steps too hard to learn. I never bothered doing it again.

Then when I heard about the new tapes coming out, I told myself I could purchase new tapes if I master RS. I started it one early morning and surprisingly found it easy (just like that) and fun!

Took me ONLY 2 sessions to master the steps and guess what - it is one of the 3 workouts that really makes me burn lots of calories.

I think RS is a fat burning workout because I sweat like hell but I can go on and on and my heart rate monitor loves it too!

Don't give up. Try doing 1 steps until you master it and then move to 2nd steps and I guarantee you in 2 days you will master 2 combos and the third day you will be racing to complete the entire DVD.

It's a lot of fun I just love kick-front-sides with pivot repeaters!!
I also left this one to rot on my shelf...I tried it once and was so frustrated I just couldn't look at it. I bought RS & Power Hour together and really got into PH, then I realized that most of the music was the same as RS and it motivated me to try it again. I took me awhile to catch on, but now I love it:) Just something about that music gets me going!

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