Rhythmic Step Choreography?


Rhythmic Step looks like such fun that I'd love to give it a try but I'm worried about the difficulty of the choreography. My first Cathe step tape was All Step. The first time I tried it, I gave up in frustration and popped Intense Moves into the VCR instead. I'd never not been able to do a workout because of choreography before (used to be a dancer) though so I was determined to learn it. I spent about an hour on my rest day going through the combos and I can do it now except that every once in awhile I end up facing a different way than Cathe (how that happens, I'll never know!).

How does the choreography in Rhythmic Step compare to All Step? I did Step Heat for the first time this week and it seemed so easy (choreography wise) compared to All Step. I didn't even need to practice before doing it.

How tough is the workout? Is it like All Step (except longer) and Step Heat, i.e. pretty steady throughout with a few of those power moves thrown in where my heart rate really gets up there? I haven't even attempted Interval Max because I know it would be way too tough for me. I can only do Intense Moves on a 4'' step doing the middle level of intensity for each interval so IMax is probably way out of my league. Is Rhythmic Step as tough as IMax or more like Step Heat and All Step?
Hi Jenniferann -

I would say intensity-wise, RS is more like All Step (but longer) but I wouldn't know how it compares to Step Heat as I don't have that one. Imax is MUCH more intense in my opinion, since it is an interval training video. RS is a good, steady cardio workout that I feel is pretty intense, but no too much so that you can't go the distance. After it is done I am wiped out. As for the choreography, only way to learn it is to jump right in! Don't be afraid of it - you'll catch on before you know it. I love RS! I love the moves, love the music and Cathe is just so cute doing it. Good luck! ;-)
I would say that All Step is tougher than RS intensity wise because Cathe packs a lot into 22 min. But choreography wise, they are very similar in their level of intricate moves. I used to get messed up during Firm and Reebok videos - that is how challenged I am! But All Step is so fun, I hope you give it another try. The toughest part by far is the beginning, the knee off the side, rock, hop turn, aaahhh! But it is so fun. Do you have a roommate or husband? I made my husband stand there and tell me what to do as he watched the video (okay, step down with your left, put your right foot forward, etc). After I tackeled it, I thought 'bring it on.' RS was hard to learn too, but well worth it. It is a blast! And you being a dancer, will be able to do them both too I am sure! Have fun!
RS is a blast! There are 3 sections and then the challenge so you could start out with just section 1 and get that under your belt before moving on to 2 and then 3. The challenge is the 3 sections all run together, no new moves. It is a little complicated but I got it all the way through on my 4th try. I didn't preview, just dove in.

As for Imax, the choreography is very simple - it's the intensity that gets you! But again, there's a brief break for a heart rate check halfway thru (there are 10 intervals) so maybe shoot for just trying the 1st half and then add on as you get more comfortable with the tape.

The good thing about working out at home is that no one sees you mess up! I'd much rather be floundering about on the wrong foot facing the wrong direction than just sitting on my couch vegetating! :)

IMO I think if you can conquer all step then you will be able to learn Rhythmic Step. Just take it in sections. It really is a lot of fun.

I also think All step is more intense than RS. RS is more like Step Heat when it comes to intensity.

IMAX is off the scale in intensity, but easy choreography. And its worth trying. Modifying is okay. You have to work up to the whole thing. There are a lot of posters here who have told stories about working their way through IMAX. The sense of accomplishment, even to get through just one interval, is really great.

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