Rewinding on Demand


I have a question about rewinding on demand, my question is for example if the exercise is bicep curls and let say it runs about a minute then moves to the next exercise after the minute is over (let say triceps)if I miss most of the exercise of biceps and it’s starts playing the triceps exercise is there a way to go back to biceps?
For some reason once it moves on to other exercises I can’t go back to previous one. I really hope it makes sense.
Thank you
Can you use the "chapters" in the upper left of the screen, click on it, which would bring
down the chapters list and choose the biceps? Or on the bottom of the screen where
the slide bar is, could you choose the backwards arrow and if triceps already started, click
it twice to go back to biceps? I think that's what I do, if I want to start a chapter over, not
being in the OnDemand right now, I'm going from memory :)

ok, I went into OnDemand, and chose Total Body Barbell, started playing it. So, if
you're in say "Squats" and then it goes to Deadlifts, and you want to go back to Squats,
either go to the Chapters in upper left of screen, click on it, and it brings up list.
Just click on Squats and that will re-play and willl go on from there. OR, click the
backward arrow on bottom of screen ( < ) and it will go back to squats.
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Can you use the "chapters" in the upper left of the screen, click on it, which would bring
down the chapters list and choose the biceps? Or on the bottom of the screen where
the slide bar is, could you choose the backwards arrow and if triceps already started, click
it twice to go back to biceps? I think that's what I do, if I want to start a chapter over, not
being in the OnDemand right now, I'm going from memory :)

ok, I went into OnDemand, and chose Total Body Barbell, started playing it. So, if
you're in say "Squats" and then it goes to Deadlifts, and you want to go back to Squats,
either go to the Chapters in upper left of screen, click on it, and it brings up list.
Just click on Squats and that will re-play and willl go on from there. OR, click the
backward arrow on bottom of screen ( < ) and it will go back to squats.
Aqua girl thank you so much!!!! I really appreciate your response. So many times I had to switch over to the DVDs out of sheer frustration.
I will do this today. ❤️
Much Aloha
Hope it works for you!
Thank you again
I tried it and it works
I noticed it only works for the main workout but if I use a premix I am not able to do it chapters don’t pop up just a list of the workouts. But that’s fine I can use the DVDs for premixes.
I’m so glad you shared this info with me
If you play the premix thru the workout blender, it should work same way
I noticed it only works for the main workout but if I use a premix I am not able to do it chapters don’t pop up just a list of the workouts. But that’s fine I can use the DVDs for premixes.
I’m so glad you shared this info with me
I went into the blender, went to Killer Legs, clicked premix menu, picked one and started
it. You still should have the "chapters" in upper left of video screen and if you click on that,
drop down list of chapters should appear and then you can pick what you want.
In case you're not sure how to do that, instead of picking ONDEMAND, choose Workout
Blender, on the left will be a list of alll Cathe workouts. If the one you want has premixes,
right beside the little picture will be "premixes" Click that (not the picture of the workout)
and a drop down menu of the premixes will appear. Click the one you want and the
premix will begin playing in video screen. Below video screen is time, list of chapters, etc.
but you don't pick the chapter the upper left of video screen is the word chapters
and click that....just like doing it in the main workout, and a list of chapters will drop down.
There you can pick the one you want to do or go back to.
In case you're not sure how to do that, instead of picking ONDEMAND, choose Workout
Blender, on the left will be a list of alll Cathe workouts. If the one you want has premixes,
right beside the little picture will be "premixes" Click that (not the picture of the workout)
and a drop down menu of the premixes will appear. Click the one you want and the
premix will begin playing in video screen. Below video screen is time, list of chapters, etc.
but you don't pick the chapter the upper left of video screen is the word chapters
and click that....just like doing it in the main workout, and a list of chapters will drop down.
There you can pick the one you want to do or go back to.
Thank you again
I will try this

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