Revisited Bodycombat...


I went home for the week and my sister in law invited me out to do her bodycombat class (I use to do this all the time when I lived there) and let me say this, I was so surprised! It was easy. I have been working out to Cathe since I have moved and she has taken me to the next level! I am so proud of myself! Bodycombat is a lot of fun and I do miss it, but not so much now. It just doesn't challenge me anymore. Gotta love Cathe's DVD's. They have helped me get stronger. :)Just had to share. Totally surprised me!!!:7
Nice surprise Heidisue.:) Cathe really does take us to another level. I have a couple of BodyCombat DVD's from when I was instructing LMI classes. I do one every couple of weeks but find that while they are recovering I'm subbing in more work. The music they use is fabulous, keeps me coming back}( :) Great job! We are stronger than we know!!

Take Care
That is great news, Heidisue!

I found it interesting you taught LMI classes in the past. I teach Body Training Systems (Group Step, Group Power, Group Ride) which used to be a division of LMI. I was trained for BodyStep, but then the split happened between the two companies and my gym went with BTS. Do you still teach? Just curious, I hope you don't think I'm being nosey!
Didn't mean to hijack the thread either :)
Hey Eren:) I was teaching in Kingston, Ontario when the shift from BTS to LMI occurred, they added Attack and Jam to the roster but I'm not a big fan of either program. I taught for 3 years, BodyPump and BodyFlow/Balance. I have some BodyStep and Combat training DVDs but didn't teach those, nice to have them though. By the look of the BTS 'Group' progams they are quite similar to LMI. Is that so? I really miss teaching, such good fun but not enough hours in the day to fit it all in:)

Take Care
I also teach Group Step, Group Power, Group Ride and Group Centergy. My training was with LMI for Body Pump & Body Step. I took the Group Centergy training about 2 years ago and love the way I feel after a class! We've had Group Ride for about 3-4 months and what a work-out it is---great interval training. It's nice to read about other Cathe followers who also teach, whether it is free-style, LMI or BTS.

Laurie- I think they are very similar although I only trained and taught 1 BodyStep release the rest were Group Step, but love it! You're right, it is very time consuming, especially having 3 programs. I'm sure many people miss you now that you are not teaching!

Linda-Wow, I cannot imagine teaching 4 programs! I just went to Ride training last weekend and am pretty overwhelmed. It is very difficult for me to find the beat on the bike. Our gym will be getting Groove and Active this year. We're excited!
I agree, it is so fun to learn about other Catheites who teach, no matter what it is. I love to learn from other instructors and I use a lot of Cathes cues from her DVDs, she's so cute!
I am totally maxed out with 4 programs. On March 1st, BTS will be shipping out our new releases. We'll be launching the new programs on or about April 10th. So I have about 5 weeks to learn them.

Learning the choreo for Group Power & Group Step is not so time consuming. We launched Body Pump way back in 1998 and then we launched Body Step in 2000. When we first switched over to BTS (group power, group step), we weren't so crazy about the music and the choreo. BTS has surely evolved and the members and the instructor team do not miss LMI programs.

Group Centergy is not too difficult to learn since it is so balanced--in that what you do on one side, you do on the other.

Group Ride is overwhelming at first, I agree wholeheartedly! Just curious who did your training and which release are you learning? As far as getting the beat, just keep practicing, you'll get it! I teach Group Ride at 5:15am in the morning and what a fabulous way to burn some adipose tissue!

From what I have read about Group Active---it will be very popular with new participants. Although I would like to take the training, I just don't think I can take on another program! I may take the training and perhaps decide later on about teaching it.

Group Groove--I can teach step until the cows come home, but I just can't move like you need to in groove! LOL
Group Groove--I can teach step until the cows come home, but I
>just can't move like you need to in groove! LOL

Completely agree! For some reason I can do all the "fun" moves in Step, but not like they do in Groove!

Thanks for the encouragment regarding Ride. It is getting a little easier the more I practice and do the team training CD. We will be launching the Winter 07 Ride release in April. Cynthia Baker did my training. She was great.

I do have to say that I enjoy Power more than I ever did Pump. For Power they always have something fun and new (e.g., rear flys on Winter 07). Pump was very repetitous IMO. But early on it was a little "iffy".

I teach Step and Power at 5:30a.m. Love to wake up to my members!
Active will do well at our gym, we are a ladies only gym and there are a lot of members who say they can't handle Step or Power, so Active will be great for them.
Where do you teach? I'm in downstate IL.
One thing that really helped me in group ride was cycle shoes. I found that my pedal stroke was much more efficient. I was a little apprehensive about cycle shoes with cleats, but what a difference it makes.

Our gyms are about 30 miles southwest of ATL and I teach 4 mornings a week at 5:30am/5:15am, a couple of 8:15am classes, 2 aqua classes and one evening class.
Does LMI stand for Les Mills? I remember when BTS split. Isn't it crazy that I have been going to their website trying to find places close by that teach. Even with my husband's work, we may be moving again and I find myself checking for classes before I even consider an area! Crazy. I guess now that I know it's not as hard as Cathe, I can calm down a little!!! I've never tried the other classes except bodypump. The Music in Bodycombat is awesome. It gets you so riled up!

For all of you instructors for Les Mills or BTS, you are so lucky. I miss having it in my area. They put together some awesome programs.
Hey Heidisue, yes, LMI is Les Mills International. I still really like BodyPump and BodyFlow but I like more choreography than Step has. If you like hi/lo intervals BodyAttack is intense and effective. I wish I could just buy their CD's, they just have such a way of finding the best music!! Have fun!!

Here's the LMI site:

Take Care

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