Reviews or thoughts on Tap Out XT?



I own Beach Body's Les Mills Combat Ultimate Warrior workouts and love them so much I want do more with MMA style workouts. So, I was wondering about Tap Out XT and what those of you that have it think? I am not interested in following a 90 day program. I know Tap Out XT, is but I probably won't use it that way if I get it. I would like to know the name of the workouts and the time length of each workout and your thoughts on it. I am a Combat and Pump grad and a grad of Cathe's many programs and of other BB products as well. I'd really appreciate learning your thoughts, comments, and or impressions of Tap Out XT. Thanks in advance for your comments.:);)

Both Combat & Tapout claim 1000 cal/hour calorie burn.

since you have the one, Is that true? don't doubt the effectiveness of the core workout, I always got great results from kickboxing & circuit workouts.

I don't think I've ever burned 1000 in an hour? Or would that just apply to someone who already has a lot of muscle or an extremely heavy person?
Wow i bet it is for people who are way overweight or have alot of muscle tone. But i have noticed alot of programs claim this like Jerri Love, insanity, it seems they all claim 1000 cal burn. I wish it were true.. I have HRM and i think the highest cal burn i got was Crossfire with 489 to 500 and to me that is the only one that gets my hrm up so high except tabatacise, and that one i can only do three tabatas. So to burn 1000 then i guess my hr would have to be at max for an hour? I dont think i could do that. Sorry didnt mean to high jack the thread but the cal burn is interesting.
I have a great deal of muscle tone

I have no idea how anybody could burn 1,000 calories in an hour, and I am extremely skeptical about that. Yesterday, I did a little over an hour workout, and I burned 500 calories. I admit that I am small, standing at ony 5'1"
Hi girls;)

Thank you for the comments. I do realize the calorie burn touted is not necessarily what I burn and I already know that going into this so that's not an issue for me. What I was most hoping for was actual Reviews of Tap Out XT from those that have purchased and done the program getting their thoughts, comments, and review of it. I'm still looking forward to learning of everyone's reviews on Tap Out XT, thanks!;)

I have something to share about the 1000 calorie burn claims. I used to do Jari Love workouts (and probably will again some day--I love her workouts and did them a lot pre-Cathe). Several years ago, when Get Ripped 1000 came out, I wore a HRM to test the 1000 calorie burn theory. Some info about me--I am not overweight and I wasn't then. Mid-30s, mid-130s, 5 feet 6 inches and worked out regularly. I burned 700 calories according to my HRM. When I did some poking around (and it might have even been on the little extra she includes on the DVD--she often gives info on the research she does to create her workout or maybe it was reading something in her newsletter--I can't remember exactly how I came across her explanation, it was years agp), she stated she didn't necessarily mean you would burn 1000 calories in the workout. You would burn a lot of calories, but because you are basically alternating HIITs with strength training you will have an afterburn effect that could lead to 1000 calories burned. I think that is what a lot of the 1000 calorie claims on other workouts are referring to as well.

Yes, someone out of shape and very overweight could possibly burn 1000 calories in an hour, but a smaller/fit person? No. I don't even believe the "afterburn" effect with give you another 300 calorie burn, but who knows?

I also want to add that when I got a Bodybug I was disappointed at how many calories it said I was burning during workouts. I hadn't used a HRM in years, so I thought that maybe it was my age, or the fact I was fitter, or some combination, and that was the reason I wasn't getting the big calorie burn I used to get (I used the Bodybug when I did TurboFire, PeakFit Challenge and Insanity). So I started using both the Bodybug and the HRM at the same time to compare. According to the HRM I burned a lot more calories than what the Bodybug said I burned. However, the results on the scale were more in line with what the Bodybug reported. So, these 1000 calorie claims are probably also referring to HRM burn, not "actual" burn (which is how I interpret the Bodybug data now).

Anyway, just my thoughts and experiences on these claims.
Hi girls;)

Thank you for the comments. I do realize the calorie burn touted is not necessarily what I burn and I already know that going into this so that's not an issue for me. What I was most hoping for was actual Reviews of Tap Out XT from those that have purchased and done the program getting their thoughts, comments, and review of it. I'm still looking forward to learning of everyone's reviews on Tap Out XT, thanks!;)


I know I didn't answer your question in my last post. Sorry--but I am interested in people's thoughts, too. I am very interested in Tapout XT and XT 2, too.

Thanks jengollf,

Your feed back is always welcomed. I only meant to clarify that I did know about the calorie burn is likely not that high, I was aware of reasons behind it so no worries there. I just would like to learn about Tap Out XT and what people that do own and have used it think, and their reviews. I have completed 1 sixty day rotation of Les Mills Combat and have the extra DVDs from the Ultimate warrior package as well minus the gloves. So, no worries at all I appreciate your comments and like you I look forward to any info and experience people have had with Tap Out XT and Tap Out XT 2 pro's and con's of both are welcomed.

Thanks again jengollf;)


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