retracting shoulders


When I am diong your workouts and you ask me to retract my shoulders. I pull my shoulders up, but I am not sure that is what I am supposed to do. Can you explain retracting a little more? Thank you for your tme. I am loving the results that I am getting from your workouts!
Not Cathe here, but just butting in!

Retracting shoulders is pulling them back and down. At the same time, your chest goes up a bit. Think of it as very good posture. It's more "erect" than many people usually stand, but don't exaggerate to the point where you really feel like you're struggling to hold it. It should be firm, but not "pinched". I've personally found that it's very important to use shoulder retraction when doing upper body work (with the possible exception of push-ups)because it helps keep everything in my shoulder gliding smoothly. Pulling them UP will not only reinforce bad posture, but put your shoulder in a bad mechanical position (which is why I answered your question, I'd hate to see you continue doing something that could injure you).

I find it sometimes helps to get retraction down by first doing some shoulder rolls (forward and back) to warm up the area (and "get its attention!") then do another backward roll and hold in the back and down position.
Thanks for the tip Kathryn. I did not ask the question but loved the answer. I have always questioned my form when retracting. The shoulder roll does help to nail that.

What an excellent reply Kathryn! I too have often wondered if I was retracting properly and given your description I am starting out right...I sometimes have to re-retract though lol!

Thanks for your reply, Kathryn! That helps me a lot. I always figured that there was more to it than just what I was doing. Your explanantion was specific and detailed! Thanks for taking the time!


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