Results w/CTX


Active Member
I'm thinking of purchasing the CTX videos. Has anyone had great results with these tapes? I currently am changing my eating habits (notice I didn't say diet), and need to lose 50-60 lbs. I would love to lean out. Any stories of inspiration are welcomed! I have all of Cathe's tapes to date except the CTX, and I have just about all of the Firm tapes (and a few select others).

I should also mention that I am a pear, and carry alot of my weight in my lower half of the body (lower abs on down).
I have been doing the CTX Series (along with Circuit Max and Cardio Kicks) since last August and I still LOVE THEM!!! They are the best workouts (challenging, fun) I've ever done. I've been doing the Firm for a long, long time (and still do occasionally), but I love these tapes. I lost most of my weight doing the Firms (didn't know about Cathe then), but Cathe has kept me going and between the two, I've kept the weight off for almost 2 years (50 lbs).

I highly recommend them! Good luck!

I had amazing strength gains and fat loss using CTX for 6 weeks. I change my rotations completely every 4-6 weeks, so I'm coming close to using CTX again now.

Anyway, even going from weight training each body part twice a week to once with CTX, I still made tremendous progress. It's a really really effective and versatile setup. You can kind of mix and match the cardio and weight segments as you like to keep from getting bored or hitting a plateau and the variety of cardio methods are great for getting very real results. You get hi/lo, kickboxing, step, intervals and circuit training along with great weight training. It's challenging, it's fun and it's full of variety.

It's certainly going to knock you on your butt at first, but just progress at YOUR own rate for what works for your body and you will definitely see great changes in your body with this program. It really changed the shape of my body so much, I was thrilled.

I totally agree with what everyone said! THEY are sooo much fun! You will never get bored with them. The fun-factor makes your workouts go by so fast also. I saw results from doing them and I have a very stubborn body when it comes to change. My body is so used to the normal routine I have done for years & years that the CTX Series was just what I needed to shake things up a bit. Since you have Cathe's other tapes, you know how fun the are, but JUST YOU WAIT!!! You're in for a real delight! :-jumpy Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
They are very efficient workouts, and GREAT for anyone who doesn't have a lot time to exercise! I'm on a CTX week right now, the first I have devoted entirely to this series. They are easy to do in the morning (for ME) because I'm done for the day, and I get in cardio and tough weight training.

You can't go wrong with them! Another Cathe masterpiece....along with Bodymax and Imax and the PS series....and all the rest. And Circuit Max!:D
Thanks for all your inspiring stories. I ordered the CTX series! I received my Cardio Kicks and Circuit Max last week. I think I'll start alternating these two for a week (for a total of five days) and then jump into the CTX series! It should be fun!
Cindi (and others):

Out of curiosity, can you tell me how you lost your weight (the 50 lbs. you mentioned). What was your diet and exercise routine like? I need to lose between 50-60 lbs. I love hearing people me the motivation I need!!

Hi Katrid!

I have recently (over the last 8 months or so) lost 37 lbs. I started with running and videos and lost 10 lbs, but then my weight just stayed there for a couple of months. I then joined an online diet company (you could do it yourself) and went on a 1500 cal a day diet and started losing 1-2 lbs per week. I was running and doing aerobics during this time too 5-6 days per week 30-60 min per day. I have now discovered Cathe and have started weight training and using her step tapes and have noticed a big difference already in my muscles. I am on my second week of the CTX series right now. I would still like to lose about 5 or so more lbs, but I have really slacked off on the diet. One of these days though I will get back to the 1500 cals. :)

Well, there is my story. Good luck to you!

Thank you for the motivational story. I have a hard time staying or getting motivated. I can't wait for the tapes to come so I can start them! And good luck with losing those last few pounds!!

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