Results from PUB?


For those of you who said that you've gained awesome results with PUB, how long did it take you to notice the results? Also, do you use the same weights as Cathe?

I use the same weights as Cathe except for chest, I use 15 where she uses 20. I also struggle on the traditional biceps w/15's but I do finish them.
I'm a hardgainer so it took me about two months to see results. I started with less weights than Cathe, but in many of the exercises now, I use heavier weights. I've also modified the workout to suit my purposes. For example, I use 15/17.5/20-lb. db's for chest flyes (I got 1.25-lb plates and attached magnets to them so I could have 17.5-lb db's) and a 45/50/55-lb. bb for presses. Because I use heavier weights, I stop to take more rests in between. I also use a bb for biceps so I could do 32.5/35/37.5 for curls. It takes time switching from db's to a bb, and loading/unloading plates, but I want to use PUB more as a strength workout than an endurance workout. Eventually you will get to the point where you will no longer struggle and will want a more creative way to work out. So just keep it up.:)

Holy crap I would seriously die if I used the weights you use. }(

Hopefully I will eventually be up to your level. That is really impressive.
What a great idea....I have plates now I just need to get magnets!

I use the following for PUB:
Chest: 12/15/20/15/12
Back: 12/15/20 sometimes 20/20/15/12/12....
Shoulders: 5/5/5/5/5 sometimes 5/5/8/5/3
Biceps: 10/12/15/12/10 sometimes 12/12/15/12/10
Triceps: Kickbacks 3/5/8/5/3(sometimes 10 and sometimes 5/5/8)
Triceps: Overhead presses: 12/15/20/15/20 sometimes 15/15/20/15/15
I can't break past 15lb.DB's for Biceps but now that I have Pinky's idea I think I will be able to up my weight gradually. I'm ready to gradually build up past 20 for back. 20's for chest are hard for me b/c the weights make my hands hurt and cramp. Shoulder's...I don't like using 8...a little too hard but the 5's are a little too easy so again with Pinky's idea of weight plates I may work towards 5/6.5/6.5. I don't remember how long it took me to get my first bicep vein but it was from PUB! Every time I leave these and come back to them I get a real burn...the pyramids are my all time fave at this point! I too take longer rests when needed.
Good luck and build up gradually!:7
I've been using it only once a week. For strength rotations, I use it with PS, S&H or MIS, and for endurance rotations, I use it with PH or CTX-UB split. It took me two months to start seeing results, but it took me a year's worth of hard work to get to my current weights. Using PUB once a week is a personal preference -- just to keep myself from getting bored, which really sucks my motivation.

I have been doing this at least once a week and noticed more definition and increased strength after the 3rd week. This is such an awesome it!
>Holy crap I would seriously die if I used the weights you
>use. }(
>Hopefully I will eventually be up to your level. That is
>really impressive.

I know this probably has nothing to do with anything, but some people are naturally stronger than others. Heck, I went rafting (class 1) with an 8th grader and she could turn the entire boat all by herself with 6 people total sitting in the boat. I couldn't even do that and I was the one who exercised regularly! I nicknamed her Muscle Woman. My gosh, she was naturally strong.

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