"RESULTS ARE IN!!!" post


Is there any chance of the "RESULTS ARE IN" post being updated to include the Hardcore Series? I would also love to see a category added that rates workouts based on Building Strength. :) Is anyone else interested in this?

Hi there,

I was the person who did the original Cathe rankings that are listed in the 'Results are in' post.

I've been thinking about updating the list by asking for rankings for just the new Hardcore DVD's and simply inserting them in the current list under the appropriate category. I know there a lot of new members who would love to voice their opinions on Cathe's older workouts, but keeping track of dozens of scores for over 50 workouts is REALLY hard.

If I decide to take on this project, I'll probably start in mid-April which gives everyone about 2 solid months with the Hardcores.

Let me know what you think!

Sabine: hey! where ya been? You did a great job on that post and i'm sure it was a BIG job too!!! We appreciate it! An update would be awesome, but i don't blame you if you have no time to do it!!! that's alot of work!


Sabine, \

I would love to get results on the Hardcores! And thanks for starting this to begin with. I am new to Cathe and your rating system has allowed me to progress from easier to more difficulty tapes without killing myself and doing the really tough ones first. Cannot thank you enough!


Sabine, You did an AWESOME job on the original! I'm new and refer to your post quite often; it's helped me with many of my purchases. I understand it's a lot of work and time consuming, so do what's right for you and your schedule. Just know that your efforts are greatly appreciated!:)

Sabine! Where've ya been? Yes, I'd like to participate in your rankings update. I love the Hardcores!:) Hope to see you around...


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