Rested and ready to go....

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! After spending three quality days with my family doing nothing but resting and relaxing, I've now had time to go through the forum and read your posts. I cannot tell you just how emotional this made me. You are all such a supportive, appreciative, and very special group of fitness friends. The warmth and praise that poured out of your posts was very touching. THANK YOU!!!

We really had a blast filming over the last week. As you now know from the pictures that we posted, we have some new cast members along with our veterans. It was a wonderful mix of cast members. We all worked so well together. The veterans embraced the new comers and showed them the ropes to make for a smooth week of filming.

The combined cast for all eight of the videos was Rhonda, Lisa, Hope, Pat,(our "fit n' fearless" veterans
) followed by our new comers (who, btw, are the most relaxed and fit first time filmers I ever met
)Brenda, Andrea, Mike and Steve. The cast for each video varied a bit. With a tough film schedule like this, it was really hard to have everyone be available for all 8 videos. We are very thankful for all of the time and effort that they devoted to this project.

We are currently working on preparing mini biographies on all of our cast members to let you get to know them a little better. When they are finished, we will post them on the website. As many of you have already enthusiastically noted, Brenda Frambes, a VF fitness buddy, was able to join our cast too
. While the biographies will tell you more about all of the cast members, I just wanted to say all of the cast, did a tremedous job. It was a very demanding week that required focus, endurance, strength, and good nature. We all embraced those qualities and had an awesome time filming. Well, I am off to teach now but I will be back on line this evening to start answering some posts.

Thanks again everybody!!!!

Welcome back!! Thanks for sharing with us your filming experiences!! I'm looking forward to the new videos, and I'm thrilled that Brenda Frambes, who I met on the last road trip, was able to be in your new videos.

Glad you had a relaxing few days!! Take care.

Thank you Cathe!

I have never been this close in the making of my favorite videos. I am so excited and can't wait to receive them and use them!

So glad you've rested!

Thanks again!
Welcome back, You guys look great!!!!


I am soooo EXCITED about the new videos, I have printed off a few favorite pictures from the new videos and have placed them on my refrigerator. What a come back after baby Eric, you look wonderful (THOSE QUADS!!) and we want to know what Rhonda has been doing to get those Abs. Thank you so much for sharing the filming experience with us. Looking forward to doing the videos and being a part of it all. You are truly my inspiration.

Denise Merchant
Welcome back:O)

I guess you won't find us any more patient with your lapses on the forum... than when you are filming
. There is certainly a void when you aren't "around" here!

Glad to see Pat is on the list too! No doubt she will handling that strength work in the six pack

The crew just looks and old
. And thanks, Cathe, for giving us the very best!

OK fast can you get those Vids out!!!!

Great job, and welcome back!!!

We all can't wait for the new videos to be released, and we thank you for keeping us up to date on the progress.

What a monumental project that I know won't disappoint us!!!!
Hi Cathe!

After viewing all of the pictures from Circuit Max and Cardio Kicks you already know that I can't wait to do them! You deserved the 3 days of rest if not more. I can't believe after reading your post just now that your off to teach again. We all love you so very much and give Jon and little Eric a great big kiss from all of us! Luv Ya! Kathy
Welcome back

Cathe, I am sure you deserve that three day break. Wow! The pictures on your site look great - as does the whole cast. (oh, and YOU too..hee hee)

I cannot WAIT for these videos. Have a great 4th!! My best to Jon and baby Eric.

Hey girl!!

We were all a little worried about you when SNM mentioned 20 hour days!! I'm so glad you've been able to just hang out with your wonderful men and relax for a few days! The pictures are so great, I was at my out-laws I mean my in-laws house over the weekend and I'm so spoiled because at home I have a DSL line so downloads are pretty quick. Nonetheless I sat there and slowly, picture by picture, waited for each to download. My husband said "isn't that frustrating?" --but the pics were worth the wait!!! I was actually quite RUDE sitting there at the computer for so long, hehe!! We'll hope these vids do more for my body than they did for my relationship with my in-laws. . .
Can you believe it?

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-04-00 AT 08:38AM (EST)</font></center>

I sat down at the computer last night after I rocked Eric to sleep and suddenly the fireworks starting going off. My dogs started barking and getting very spooked so I sat down and spent a little time with them to calm them down. Then within 15 minutes a big storm comes in and now the thunder gets them going again. They are not as bad with this noise but I still stay with them about five more minutes.

Okay, so now I sit at the computer, cup of decaf at my side, and start to type when suddenly the storm knocks the power out. Fortunately the power only went out for about five minutes and then came back on. I restart the computer and attempt this again. Then, again, all the lights go out but only for a few seconds. I restart the computer (crossing my fingers that this will be the last time)and now my computer has all of these malfunction signs appear. I tried to clear it up but had no luck.

So here it is morning now and I guess this computer just needed a good nights sleep because all of those odd malfunction boxes that appeared yesterday are now gone.

Well, enough babbling....let me get to your questions before my little pumpkin wakes up !!!
Thank you!

Thank you for all the hard work you've put into the new videos! I can't wait to get them, and the pictures have been whetting my appetite!
The pictures really do look great. Can't wait to see the pictures from the 6-pack. (When Chris and Adam have some spare time.

I think it must have been mind (and body-) -boggling to film all those videos in such a short amount of time. I know they'll be great!

Thank you again!!
Surge protector?

Hi Cathe,

After reading your post I just have to ask this question. Do you have your computer (and all of your other electronic equipment -- TV, Stereo, VCR, DVD, etc) hooked up to a Surge Protector? This is very important item to have as it will help protect your equipment from being damaged in the event of bad storms. Our house was hit by lightening a few years ago. None of our equipment was damaged that was hooked to a surge protector. The only equipment that needed to be replaced was the cordless phone.

Have a Happy Fourth and I hope your dogs don't go too crazy tonight.

Thanks Lorrayne!

I'll check it out. Since we have moved we have had so many things that need to get done that I'm sure this was overlooked. Happy Fourth to you too. First one in CA. Hope you have a great time!
Glad to have you back!


Glad to hear you're rested definitely deserved it after your time-consuming week of filming.

BTW, in case you haven't heard it enough, you look awesome as does your cast. Those pictures alone have been enough to give me that extra "kick in the pants" we all need from time to time to achieve our fitness goals. You, your cast, and everyone on this site really feel like my little fitness family.

Thanks for all your hard work,
You're welcome

Hi Cathe,

Surge protectors are really cheap and can be found at any electronics store/department. I believe they even carry them at Target!

It's a beautiful day here in San Diego. It's sunny and warm. Great day to go to the pool or to the beach.

Hope the clouds will cooperate with you for fireworks this evening.

Hugs to all,


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