Restarting STS


I had to stop the STS program one disc shy of completing MESO 2 because of a hand injury. Now five weeks later, I'm ready to train again. Anyone else starting soon?
I'm going to do STS again starting in July. After my cruise, I'm going to need something to kick me in the butt. :D
in 2 weeks


I am sorry to hear about your injury - I hope you are ok!

I am going to start all over again in about 2 weeks. I decided to retest some of the exercises. That will take about a week and then I get to start again!

Good luck with everything!
I'm sorry to hear about your injury - glad you are better now.

I had to stop March 8 - broke finger and had surgery and a bone graft March 17 - not the most pleasant experience :D. This is taking much longer than I had hoped :mad:. I see the doctor again June 4th - hoping to start PT. I'm starting again when I get the power tower. Maybe then picking up DB's and BB won't be uncomfortable or painful and that's with light weights.
I did disc 1 of Meso 1 after 6 weeks away from STS becauese of a hand injury. (I only completed up to Meso 2 back in April) I can't believe I was able to get through, struggling with that last couple of reps only. When I compared the notes I took to my first attempt back in February, I had to take much longer breaks between each exercise and did not have to drop my 1RM this time. I'm excited to get started again. Thank you for your well wishes.
Christina, be patient, and don't jump back in until your hand is completely healed. I did cardio and lower body using the weighted vest because I couldn't hold any weight in my hands.
Take care

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