Resistance Loops


I have never had a resistance loop that I liked. I just tie a band and use it. I find the loops always sort of twist and narrow. Anyone have one they like? I looked at TheraBand but they have their critics too...tears.
Any suggestions? Any loops you like better than others?
I'm assuming you have tried Cathe's brand? I use them all the time and don't have issues. I think you're right in that all of them do tend to roll a bit. Probably not much help, but my two cents.:p
Yeah, I mostly just tie up my tubing as well as it stays put. The massage studio I go to has these and I have found them to be good.
I've been looking at getting some longer loops though for some upper body work at home.
(not everyone likes latex or have family with allergies, although I find that they last forever. The other non-latex cheaper ones I've tried out seem to stretch out after multiple uses or if it's been anchored or attached to hard surfaces).

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