Reprimanding Employees in public???


I was at a chain restaurant recently soaking up some of the free wifi when I overheard a manager reprimanding a employee (a girl who appeared to be between 17 and 22) about her performance at work and receiving phone calls.

Now is it me or does it seem highly inappropriate to reprimand an employee in a busy restaurant in front of customers? I felt embarrassed for the employee, even if her performance might have warranted a discussion and was stunned at the complete lack of professionalism of the manager. I've even seen them interview people in the public area in the recent past. As a manager, albeit in a completely different environment, I can't help but to be appalled. I'm just curious what others think. Maybe I'm too harsh....
I should add that the manager asked the employee to sit and talk with him in the public dining area.
Hummm...I would find it very hard to believe that he doesn't have an office that he could have done that in. I had an employer that did that to me once in front, well in fact while I was helping a customer. After I was done I pulled her aside and told her if she ever embarrassed me in front of a customer like that again that I would quit. She was a real hag though so it really was no surprise.
TOTALLY inappropriate. In fact grounds for a lawsuit. What a dummy. I've seen my boss completely freak out on other staff in public & it embarasses ME--I've learned that when I need to reprimand someone I have a 24 hour cooling off period, then I bring them into my office to talk privately.
Inappropriate indeed! He probably is taking advantage of the fact that she is so young. I doubt he would take such liberties with a more "mature" employee.
WAAAAAYYYY out of line. Wish I could have been there...I would have told the manager that they were disturbing me. }( }( }( }(
I was in my grocery store when a department manager was having it out with an employee. I was very uncomforatable and couldn't even get to the milk area. I actually asked them to take it somewhere where it would not effect customers and then I went straight to the top, the store manager with my concerns. I was assured that it would not happen again.

As for the restaurant manager, I think I would say something to him personally and complain to head office. Power does strange and not so nice things to some people.

Very inappropriate. That's a power play move "You do what I want or I will let everyone know how horrible a person you are". That's harrassment through and through and were it my daughter, I would march down to that manager and give him a piece of my mind!

I would also write a letter to the store's manager, and to the head office explaining what happened and letting them know that until issues like these are handled in a more professional and appropriate manner you will take your business elsewhere.
It depends. If it's her 1st time, private is good. If she was a lazy, slacking employee who couldn't get it together, maybe a little embarrassment is what she needed. Or maybe she needs to find another job. I'm not the world's most understanding person, but you go to work to work - NOT to yip yap on the phone!!
I don't agree with this. I think ALL staff related issues should be done in private, never in front of customers. Firstly, humiliating people is not the way to get results. It doesn't make the manager look good - it appears he can't control his staff if he has to shout at her. Secondly, it does disrupt the customers in the store/restaurant. Thirdly, you wouldn't want customers to think that relations between managers/employees are not running smoothly, it would make them think the what else is wrong with place?

He can reprimand her privately and give her a series of warnings. If she doesn't pull her socks up he can fire her.

I agree--NO disciplinary action should EVER take place in public. If this girl was a slacker he should be reprimanding & documenting for her file so he can terminate her when the time is right. Embarassment is not the way to motivate an employee to do a better job. If anything, it's counterproductive.
I would never reprimand an employee in public! That’s very bad management skills. I would pull them in an office or someplace where nobody could hear, and then talk with them, always in a calm voice. If at the time I was mad, I would hold off the talk until I calmed down. Nothing worst than a yelling boss....
You just nailed one of my pet peeves.

I feel that it is completely out of line to reprimand employees in public. I get embarassed and uncomfortable at the same time. It certainly makes my dining, shopping, or whatever experience a lot less enjoyable.

As for interviewing in public, I also find that out of line. I understand that space for interviews may be limited, but for goodness sake, I don't want to be subjected to a somebody's personal interview.

Things like that creep me out.
That was one thing that I learned in the reprimand your employees in private, praise them in public!

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