Hi, I just thought I'd share that when I first checked this morning on the forums page all was well. Now this afternoon I went to cathe's forums and get the URL: MAL virus warning that my computer antivirus software did block the same as yesterday's issue that I thought was resolved on your website since I know someone there did work on it. I then went to login for workout manager to add a workout to March for today's date and was given an error message as follows: Fatal error: Call to a member function RecordCount() on a non-object in /home/chrstp1/public_html/workout/classes/user/workoutmanager.class.php on line 2298. Also SuperAntiSpyware found the following: File threats detected : 2
Adware.Tracking Cookie
C:\Documents and Settings\Nora\Cookies\P13RA936.txt [ /atdmt.combing.com ]
C:\Documents and Settings\Nora\Cookies\K4NLTM23.txt [ /invitemedia.com ]
It appears the issue is back I don't know if this is a trojan causing all the mess or what but thought you all should know since it only happens on your website. I hope this info is helpful.
I have run and gotten clean antivirus scans and shared my findings. Please help! PS. This is also giving me the URL:MAL Virus blocked warning on every single page at Cathe's website. Ugh, I hate the junk hackers, computer viruses, trojans, and their little evil games they play on innocent bystanders and innocent legit businesses.
Nora Culver
Adware.Tracking Cookie
C:\Documents and Settings\Nora\Cookies\P13RA936.txt [ /atdmt.combing.com ]
C:\Documents and Settings\Nora\Cookies\K4NLTM23.txt [ /invitemedia.com ]
It appears the issue is back I don't know if this is a trojan causing all the mess or what but thought you all should know since it only happens on your website. I hope this info is helpful.
I have run and gotten clean antivirus scans and shared my findings. Please help! PS. This is also giving me the URL:MAL Virus blocked warning on every single page at Cathe's website. Ugh, I hate the junk hackers, computer viruses, trojans, and their little evil games they play on innocent bystanders and innocent legit businesses.
Nora Culver
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