Report Virus Attack Page is back!


Hi, I just thought I'd share that when I first checked this morning on the forums page all was well. Now this afternoon I went to cathe's forums and get the URL: MAL virus warning that my computer antivirus software did block the same as yesterday's issue that I thought was resolved on your website since I know someone there did work on it. I then went to login for workout manager to add a workout to March for today's date and was given an error message as follows: Fatal error: Call to a member function RecordCount() on a non-object in /home/chrstp1/public_html/workout/classes/user/workoutmanager.class.php on line 2298. Also SuperAntiSpyware found the following: File threats detected : 2

Adware.Tracking Cookie
C:\Documents and Settings\Nora\Cookies\P13RA936.txt [ / ]
C:\Documents and Settings\Nora\Cookies\K4NLTM23.txt [ / ]
It appears the issue is back I don't know if this is a trojan causing all the mess or what but thought you all should know since it only happens on your website. I hope this info is helpful.

I have run and gotten clean antivirus scans and shared my findings. Please help! PS. This is also giving me the URL:MAL Virus blocked warning on every single page at Cathe's website. Ugh, I hate the junk hackers, computer viruses, trojans, and their little evil games they play on innocent bystanders and innocent legit businesses.


Nora Culver
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Malware warning the only threat

Hi Czechfan & missyt,

I just wanted to let you know that the malware warning (which I haven't see since I did a full system virus scan the other night that removed the two trojan horses) is the only thing you have to worry about.

Cookies are just extremely small data files that are written to your harddrive by the code that is running your browser. Spyware scanners flag them because they are a low risk from of spyware. They can store information like where you have surfed to and etc which is a form of spying! Adware programs will use the information in tracking cookies to do targeted advertising. However, they don't harm your system.

The error in the workout manager is a bug in the PHP code. PHP is a type of scripting language that many websites use. The error you both received looks like the code that accesses the workout manager database failed. I am sure they will fix that soon (if they haven't already) but this will not harm your system either. It just affects your ability to add in your workouts.

I just wanted to share this so that you didn't worry. It's a real pain to have a computer fixed that's been taken down by malware so I can understand being concerned.

If you are still receiving the malware warning you should probably do a full system scan just to make sure your system is safe. I don't know if running my virus scan in safe mode made any difference at all in it's ability to detect the two trojans but it may have.
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I did run both a boot-time scan, then a regular antivirus scan both showed nothing. I did find the two cookies in my spyware scans and it automatically removes them and quarantines those files or cookies. I did then start my computer in safe mode and check the areas you specified in your earlier post and I could not find any of the stuff you said appeared when you did it. Its just such a pain in the rear to even feel like there is a possibility your computer was compromised. I did have my Antivirus block the URL:MAL when it tried to do its thing my computer blocked it and gave a warning message.
I appreciate your helpful insights and instruction on what to do. I did all that and found nothing, so that's a relief. Thanks again for sharing your insights on this. It did alarm me when the entire same thing happed all over again, its frustrating for us that use the forums and workout manager, but I'm sure its a real major pain for cathe's website tech people that have to deal with this.

Thanks again;)

Nora - you are very welcome! I hope it helped at least a little.

BTW, they posted somewhere else in the forum that they found the malware in the Workout Manager and fixed that problem as well. Hopefully, it will be smooth sailing from now on! :)

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