removal of lymph nodes


Active Member
Can one still use weight on the arm that lymph nodes were taken out? I know lymphadema is side effect when they are removed.

Yes, you can as long as you are cleared by your doctor to. They should be able tell you max weight and max reps as well.
*Having* lyphedema is different from being *at risk* for lymphedema. You want to do what you can to prevent getting it.

I had lymph nodes removed from under my arm from my mastectomy in January. So far I have had no side effects and have been able to lift weights again. I can even manage some little girl pushups, although I take it easy and don't try *too* much.

The guidelines state that you should lift no more than 15 pounds with your at-risk arm. Right now this is fine for me because I am just getting back to regular workouts but soon I will need to checkwith my doctor because for some exercises, 15 isn't enough anymore (esp. with back, where I seem to be stronger).

Even though I'm not an enthusiastic water drinker, my fear of getting lyphedema is enough to keep me in line and sipping on the water bottle all day. I also do dry skin brushing before my shower every day. Also, as you probably already know, stay out of extrememly hot water - jacuzzis and hot tubs are a big no-no, unfortunately. I even make sure my shower water is on the cool side of hot, if that makes sense, just to be sure.

Many cancer survivors live years without getting lymphedema. Remember - you are always at risk!

If you find out any additional info, please share because I'm always trying to learn!

Good Luck!

Susan L.G.

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