Remember when?


I was having a "remember when moment" yesterday.I remember when I couldn't even attempt to do tricep extensions at the end of Body MAx.I also remember when I would have to take breaks half way through a video to catch my breath before I faint.
How far as everyone else come? Sometimes we don't realize how great we are until we remember what use to knock the wind out of us.
Now next year I might be saying, "remember when my husband came home and found me on the floor unconcious after doing IMAx 2 and now I can make it all the way through :p"(yeah, my new videos should soon be here)
Ooh, this is the best thread! I remember when I couldn't make it through the intensity drills at the end of CK. Now I usually add some work to the end of CK. I remember when I couldn't do PS legs with a 30 lb barbell and now I use 45 or 50. I remember crying (true) the first time I did sit and stands. Last time I did PS, I did the sit and stand segment twice. Look at how far we've come!!!!
I still use I-Max 1 as my baseline to determine how fit I am in the cardio dept., and I still remember the first time I did it: by about the 20th jump-in-place in interval #2 with no perceivable end in sight and blood shooting out of my hair follicles, I was thinking "are you absolutely out of your MIND?!?!?!"

Now, I can do 16 more jumps in place during that interval alone, as well as extend out all of the subsequent intervals including Interval #10 The Doom Interval, as well as do regular jacks and rear and side leg lifts during the recovery phases.

Not bad for an old broad . . . and I still remember when!

Hi Lori,
IMax 1 was so hard for me when I first got that one. I couldn't make it all the way through and could never do all the plyo intervals. Now, I can make it all the way through with no modifications. Yea! It is a good feeling.

I remember when I started exercising after a long haitus that 20 minutes was all I could do... then 25... then 30...

I remember when I couldn't even start the intensity drills in CK because I was so worn out. Now they are my favorite part of that workout.

I remember only being able to do the cardio portion of BodyMax for fear I would pass out after trying even one power circuit... now I do them both together every time and feel darn good at the end (still don't do the upper body the same day because I'm limited in my time).

Great thread Lori - can't wait to hear more!
Oh, this is sad. I can remember when I could barely make it the six blocks (l2 round trip :) ) to the corner store and back on my bicycle (289 pounds at the time). Now, I can do Power Hour all the way through in an hour, instead of the two/two and a half hours it took me only this last summer (but I finished it, by gosh, even then, even though I only had l8 pounds on my barbell, and even if it took half the day!!!).

Thank you for this thread. I needed a pick-me-up today.
First - what a great thread by a person from one of the greatest areas on this planet! I'm a fellow Atlantic Canadian in Nova Scotia :).

I remember my first workout video - Abs of Steel (the original)- GACK! I remember working out before May 2002 - cardio was OK, but kinda boring. June 2002 - liked working out, finally started Step for cardio and loved it, but easily bored with the tapes I had. I remember July 2002 - I got over my fear that Cathe was too advanced for me and got MIS in a trade! BEST thing I ever did for my fitness journey! I now have almost all Cathe's DVD's, and I'm loving learning her Step tapes one by one - did Step Jam for the first time last night and got through all of it! (OK I modified the shuffle repeaters - just couldn't get the footwork right away). I'm doing Power Hour in it's entirety 2x a week for the past 3 weeks. All I can think is I can't wait to keep working, sweating, learning! All that, and these forums - I know now I can be fit for life! Thanks everyone,


PS - I have the IMAX DVD on the way, so that'll be my BIG work up to from now til whenever! :D

Our attitudes control our lives. - Tom Blandi
Do I remember?! I still vividly remember being able to only complete 10 minutes of exercise with Denise Austin's "Fit & Lite" program!
My Imax may not be pretty, but I've come a long way! :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Ahem, I hate to admit this but I remember doing chair aerobics a few years ago (like 5). I'd been on heavy dose steriods for my asthma and gained a ton of weight and was not in good shape cardio wise at all.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-03 AT 11:45PM (Est)[/font][p]In January of 2000, I'd gotten brave enough to buy a step and venture into taped aerobic workouts after having them gather dust for a year or more. Before then I'd just race walked.

I did the first Taebo Live Advanced tape, and after the warm up I thought I was going to die, but I stubbornly finished the tape. I also did Intense Moves as my FIRST step tape. I still can't get over the fact that I did that. THEN it was on to Imax. And I'll never forget the time I did Bodymax from start to finish. That was my REAL amazon moment.

Just Do It! :)
LoriHart - Great thread!

I hope that someday I will be saying....I remember when I couldn't even stay on the stability ball for more than a minute without it flyin' out from under me and knocking out my 2 your old! Lord knows I sure can't say it yet!!!!!!!!!! WAtch out for the flyin' balls!

I do remember when I couldn't even get thru all the intervals of imax even with modification. Now I can do them all!!!!!!!!

Keep up the good work guys!!!!

-LuvCardio If Only I Can Be 1/2 the Woman my Dog Thinks I am!
Ah, yes. I remember when I didn't know what an L-step was and stared forever at the screen trying to figure it out. I also remember when I couldn't do the first section of Step Max without my pulse skyrocketing. Now I can do Step Works and twirl around the step with the best of them!

Marcia, freezing in northern Sweden
I remember starting off with "The 20 Minute Workout" - an exercise show on TV in the late 80s. When I think of it now it was such a joke...a bunch of skinny girls jumping around. I'm so grateful I found Cathe and got my act together. Those 20lb db aren't that far from reach.
I CAN'T "remember when"...
Really, I can remember IMAX being more difficult, but I was already in pretty good shape starting Cathe. Funny, because my friend and I were talking about this the other day. I invited 2 new people to work out with us at work (with Cathe tapes) and we were going to do PH, because that is the only total body tape of Cathe's you can fit into one hour. Well, I told them it was advanced but go at your own pace and stop if you have to...I gave them each 5# dumbells for everything..
Well, about 2 min. into the squats I don't even think they were moving anymore. They just stood there and stared. They kinda did the rest of the workout, but the lunges section was totally out for them and pretty much they spent about 25 min out of 45 min. staring.
I thought to myself afterward, good effort, but why didn't they just drop their weights and just use their body weight instead of completely stopping??
Well, my friend had to remind me that even that is hard!! She says I cannot remember what it is like to be a total begginner..and that is true.
Needless to say they were flabbergasted and both had trouble walking the next day. They were sure suprised to find out that even I was sore in the quad area, but I guess they think that after you do it a few times the soreness goes away. I explained that if they were lifting correctly that would never happen. They don't realize that yeah, it IS still hard for me, with a 40 lb barbell and 12 pound dumbells!!
But I CAN remember falling onto the toilet seat a LONG time ago as well as in the recent past. Too bad that kind of crap never goes just gets a little less painful!!! And you get used to it!!:):)
I remember a yr ago August, just before quiting smoking, I couldnt walk my kids two blocks to school without being totally out of breath--now, I can finally do all of Imax with no modifications!! Not bad for a little over a year! Thanks Cathe

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