

What is everyone's thoughts on drinking redbull before work out? It definetly gives me the energy I need, just wondering if there are any negativities before I use it 'all the time'.
Honestly, I've never heard anything positive about Red Bull. There are a lot of negative articles on it - you can do a google search and find a bunch. I'm trying to eat as clean and healthy as possible, so I personally stay away from it. I'm sure some of the girls here have better input on "why" it's usually discouraged though. :)
Hi Tiffany,
I'm curious about this too... every now and again when I stop by the gas station on the way home (a 30 minute drive), I grab a sugar free redbull for the ride home.... I really don't notice an "energy boost" but I drink it nonetheless....not sure why actually...:p

A healthier and safer way to get an energy boost is with a glass of Yerba Maté or green tea (and supposedly, the ECGC--I won't even try to spell 'epigallo cat...whatever'!---in it helps your body burn fat).
I think Red Bull tastes like crap, so I reach for a cup of coffee instead. I am a java junkie.:p
i much prefer tea or coffee b/c i can at least pronounce ingredients(tea and coffee LOL). i occasionally grab a low-carb/sugar free energy drink for the weekends. i notice a difference but honestly i know the ingredients are not something that can possibly that great for me so i would find alternatives for an energy boost. i always have a cup of coffee and a splash of cold water on the face in the morning. depending on the workout i also grab a snack.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
I also remember someone asking Cathe whether or not she drank energy drinks and she responded she did not after having a bad experience with one.
I can see why, alot of them have way too much caffeine and other junk which can really do a number on you.
>There have been deaths associated with drinking red bull and
> THAT what they mean about Redbull "giving you wings" (ie: angel wings?}( )
>There have been deaths associated with drinking red bull and
>I'm sure these were under very specific circumstances, but I'd
>rather not risk it.

Thanks for this information! It was very helpful. I too have wondered about the Sugar Free option... but that tastes even worse :p

I wouldn't touch the stuff! There is nothing good about it. If you need a healthy energy drink you should try a Slam or Spark. I personally love Slam. These are used by NFL players before games, and workouts. Slam is 2oz, so your not drinking a lot before your workout, and it lasts about 6-8 hours. Oh, and you won't crash or fill like crud afterwards. It also helps with mental clearity, needless to say I love the stuff!


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