Recovery week sts?


Hello, I was wondering what cardio you do during your recovery week?
Do you do any light weight training or no weights at all? Thanks
I'm in a recovery week for sts right now. i've been doing all cardio, i usually walk one hour (casual) and then use the cardio from 4DS. i did alot of cardio during the meso as well, but this week of rest is killing me. i don't know why but i feel more exhausted now, i couldn't even finish the last 5 minutes of bootcamp. :(
Ditto to the 4DS. Typically DH and I do an hour of something each night during the recovery week. We pick workouts which are short and sweet. :)
I walked almost every day with Leslie Sansone or did an intermediate step workout. I also did yoga and pilates. I was actually glad to stay away from the weights for the week. I realized my body was feeling it and I didn't want to suffer an injury. I decided to relax and enjoy it and came back stronger and with more endurance. I found that I needed that rest/restorative week.

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