Recommended diet


Active Member
Hi Cathe,

I was wondering if there is any specific diet you've followed that has helped you achieve your weight goals. Would you recommend any of the popular diets, such as low carb or the zone, or do you have some technique to find out what exactly your body is needing, in terms of caloric intake or type of nutrients that are more convenient for you?

I'm curious as to how you achieve and maintain your excellent shape, besides your own excersise program. I agree with others, that issuing a book sharing some of your knowledge on both excersise and diet would be great for all of us.

Thanks! Keep up the excellent work and Happy Holidays!
Not Cathe but thought I would let you know that Cathe has posted a couple of times that she doesn't follow or recommend any specific diet because she's not a nutritionist. However, in her "Behind the Scenes" section for the Intensity Series she posted this...

"As for my diet, I can tell you right after having the baby, I put no restrictions on myself since I was still breastfeeding. It was very important for my body to have adequate fat stores for the production of breast milk. After switching to baby formula a couple of months later, I still ate a varied diet and tried to slowly cut back on my noshing. When we were about 8 weeks away from filming I got much more focused and really cut out my snacking (except for occasional treats here and there). I also broiled and baked just about every meal. My protein sources, which I increased slightly, came mostly from chicken, fish, and peanut butter, although I had red meat once or twice a week. This is for no specific reason other than I enjoy these sources of protein. I cut back on starches about 85%. I ate a lot more dark leafy green vegetables, had a variety of fruits ( I favored the citrus family), and increased my water intake. During rehearsals I was unable to sit down to a meal so I would have a protein shake to hold me over until I could relax and eat. My overall meals were small and more frequent so that they were easy to digest. I never really counted calories but ate just enough nutritious food to be satisfied and ready to eat again in about 2 hours. That about sums it up for me. Good luck everyone, and I hope you enjoy the Intensity Series!"

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