Recommendation For Upper Back Workout



I have CTX Upper Body and Pyramid Upper Body. I would like one or two more workouts for this target area so I would appreciate comments on Pure Strength BB&A, S&H Chest & Back, and the new Gym Style Back workout.

Which of these workouts gets you the most bang for your buck?
Hi 40Something,

I have S&H Chest and Back as well as the new Gym Style Back Workout, and I think the Gym Style Back workout hits the upper back nicely. Cathe makes you do rhomboid squeezes with the band, and I've had nice DOMS after doing this workout each of the 3 times I've done it. Also, in the shoulder workout, you do a barbell front raise to a rear squeeze - again, I felt in the upper back the next day. So if you're referring to your rhomboids, I recommend Gym Style. I don't remember S&H Back because I never do it, but I recall it being a better overall back workout than GS Back. I suppose you could also add a few rhomboids squeezes to it too ;-)


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