Recommendation for my body type


New Member
HI, Cathe. I need your advice on which of your tapes I should be using and a good weekly schedule. I am 5'6" with a fine boned/thin body. I have always had boney shoulders and thin arms, not much muscle at all. I never want to have huge, bulky legs, but I do want to build muscle all over and have that athletic, cut-look that everybody wants. I have done the "Standing Legs" by FIRM about 12 times (1.5 months) and even in that I can definitely feel my muscles have grown, but I know no one else would know by looking at me, I can simply feel it. I also still have the cellulite thing going on. I really like the way your body looks. You can definitely see your muscles, look very cut, but yet don't have that manly/testosterone look that some really bulked-up women can get. Even though I like standing legs, I would like a similar lower body tape for variety, along with the upper body. I am willing to work hard many days a week, but I would appreciate it if you could tell me which series you think would be right for me and some kind of a schedule. I, initially, was going to order the three, Pure Strength, videos. Thanks soooo much for your time.


Hello! I am very new to this website, I haven't done any of the tapes yet but I wrote a letter almost like you did! I was suggested to try to ps series that you are thinking about ordering, I did order them and should be getting them soon. I am 5'6" and very thin,, I weigh only 105lbs, but I have no muscle or shape and I have body fat! I have a 30" waist which is big for my size, lifting weights will help build muscle and help build bone mass.(I'm quoting from the people who helped with my letters)I too have done a lot of the firm tapes, I see differences in my strength but no size or shape,I did tae-bo but got very,very thin. I know I haven't helped much with advice(remember,I'm new) and probably didn't answer a lot of your questions,but do try the ps series and I'm going to try to eat a lot of protein(I love sweets) and drink water,I may even cut out cokes and stuff(empty calories).I hope you do well, keep me posted about your progress... I will do the same!
Hey, hi, and thanks so much for responding. Sorry I haven't logged on until now. Sounds like we do have very similar problems. And I agree, the Firm tapes have made my legs stronger, but when I look in the mirror, they are FARRR from looking like someone who works out. In fact, no one would know but me. Well, I just got my PS videos today and am hoping to try at least one on Wed or Thurs. We'll have to keep each other posted. I also have a cellulite problem that Standing Legs from the Firm has not seemed to dent (no pun intended:) and I saw somewhere on here that they thought Cathe's legs really started to get their shape from her kick boxing tape, so that might be a thought for us too, down the road. I think I might have my hands full right now. Talk to you soon.

Hi Rachelle-
Do try the PS series for Legs.. It sounds like you are looking for some leg definition and it would fit the bill for that.. I have been incorporating it into my workout rotation for the last few years and have noticed an incredible difference.. they are much stronger, and I gained cuts/definition .
Good luck!
Hello! We need to definately keep in touch and let each other know how our progress is doing. I love this site, everyone is sooo helpful! I thank everyone for their input and advice!
I wanted to let you know that I read in an old fitness magazine about different bodytypes, it listed fit people,thin, people who are very fit but don't look like it and thin people with a lot of bodyfat and no shape!It suggested that we need to do high impact cardio 3-4 times a week,and stay away from long,low impact aerobics,and to lift heavy weights with low reps! Some major workouts! I'm looking forward to it though, I like to work out and hopefully we will get the results we want. Actually, I hope everyone on this site who write to this forum gets the results they want! Lets all keep each other inspired!
I am 5'8" and 115 lbs and have the same issues you all do. I can tell you what's been working for me: TaeBo 3x per week to decrease body fat (got rid of my cellulite!) and MIS 2 or 3x per week alternating with PS once per week (I have visible muscles!). But ladies, we have to be content (and I mean CONTENT) with our ballet dancer bodies and not strive for a body type we'll never have.
Hello! Thanks for the advice,I have a question,I hope I don't sound stupid,but...I don't know what the MIS series is.Do you do the whole ps series when you alternate?I mean,each video for each body part or do you concentrate on one particular part at a time,and I have another question,do you do your taebo on the same day? I don't want to over work my muscles if I'm trying to gain,but I do need the cardio to work off some "extra" that I have!You are right about being content with our body type,thats a hard thing to do! Keep in touch!
I altlernate three days of TaeBo with three days of strength training, for a total of six days a week. The "MIS" is Cathe's Maximum Intensity Strength video, which takes an hour and works arms and legs and abs. On a week when I'm doing "MIS" for strength training, if I'm feeling energetic I try to do it completely 3 days; if not, I go for doing it completely one day and then split it into arms and then legs on another day(still a total of 3 times a week). On weeks when I don't do MIS, I do the PS series, each of the three tapes once (again, that makes three days of strength training).

Sometimes I have tried to "catch up" and do two "segments" on one day, like a Taebo and a strength, but I think you get more out of it by alternating so you work your body most days. If I do two "segments" in one day (like a weekend), I do one in the morning and one later in the day.

Anyway, that's what's worked for me, and what I have time for. I would like to fit in more stretching, but somehow that always gets dropped.

Hope this helps!

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