rebounding revisited


Active Member
I read something from last year here about rebounding; no one seemed all that hot on the experience, but I thought perhaps with new people viewing that there might be a different response. I have just ordered a rebounder, and would like to know what people's experiences are. As a middle-aged, fairly fit person, but with bad knee and somewhat eh! back, I am wondering how well this would fit in with my lifting as a cardio activity. Any feedback?
Hi, I, personally, LOVE my rebounder. I bought it about a month or 2 ago, and didnt really use it much at first...Now its ALL I want to do for cardio, I have to force myself to do something different for cardio. I havent used it with any videos yet, what ive been doing is putting a good half hours worth of good get up and move kind of music, and just doing my own thing on it. I run, I jump like im jumping rope, I do a boxers shuffle, I do jumping jacks, I do front kicks, I just boing along and have fun. And I really do work up a sweat!! I can do a half hour on my elliptical and not sweat, but I get a really great workout on my rebounder.
Good luck with it and have fun! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Andrea W.
I love my rebounder. I think it's the ultimate in low impact aerobics. I just did plyorobic challenge for the first time on my rebounder and it was great. I personally haven't tried just rebounding to music yet. I usually use my rebounder for jogging or with a video. There are definitely more rebounding lovers over at VF but who knows, it may catch on over here as well.

Where is a good place to...

purchase a rebounder? And are there different sizes? What would you all recommend? Thanks!!!!!

RE: Where is a good place to...

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-20-02 AT 11:02AM (Est)[/font][p]On the recommendation of the people at Video Fitness, I ordered a Needak, and got what seemed like a good price. The Needak was rated highly from all I read elsewhere. The size is 41" overall, it folds for transporting. I think the actual work area is 36", but since I don't have it yet I'm not positive.If you are interested in purchasing one, let me know--I found two resources, the one I got was $175 plus shipping, but then I found someone who was selling them for $149. I can be reached at [email protected].

Thanks for the encouragement, I can't wait to get it. I want to see if I can do my kickboxing on it, as well as just "play".


That's more than I expected...but, I guess it's okay. Thank you for the info Susan! I'll have to start saving my pennies for yet MORE workout stuff. LOL :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-21-02 AT 04:34AM (Est)[/font][p]I have a cheapie from D!ck's Sporting Goods, and I used it for a long time instead of walking outside. I got a metronome (spelling?) and ran in place in front of the TV. I found it kept me in good shape for walking outside. I set it for around 230+ beats per minute and went at it for 45 minutes.

Boring for some folks, but I made sure I had on interesting TV programs or videos.
The rebounder I have is not expensive. Mine cost 40 dollars...I got it off of ebay, BUT you can get them at Walmart for around the same price I believe. Ive talked with people who have the more expensive ones and there are differences,but not drastic differences. You can buy a cheaper one, and in time if you decide its something youre going to use a lot, then maybe get a better one later. My cheapo one works great for me and Ive been using it quite a bit lately.
Good luck and enjoy it!
Hey, that's a great idea, honeybunch! My son has a metronome! I've also been thinking about using the rebounder with some Leslie Sansone tapes. I don't have any of her tapes yet, but I've borrowed a few from a friend. I usually modify to make it more intense...but I like the "low-impact" workout for a change, and for my feet and knees! With a rebounder, I can RUN in place while she walks!! Yay!! :)

Oh, goody!!

Thank you AndreaW. for letting me know that WalMart carries them cheaper!! I will definitely look into it! If I really, really love it, I'll use it until it falls apart, then I'll get a more expensive one!


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